No. 59
8th June 1868
My Lord Duke,
I have had the honor to receive today Your despatch No. 22, of
10th April, on the subject of the financial condition of the
Colony. The
Returns called for by Your Grace I shall be unable
to forward, I regret to say, by the present opportunity. They
shall follow by the next.
2. As far as I am concerned I have to repeat the statement,
that I have never appointed an Officer higher than a constable
and have no expectation of doing so during my incumbency of
Office. My
duty has been simply to cut down expenditure and
many are the families I have reduced to destitution.
3. To impose additional taxation, as suggested by Your Grace,
would be simply to drive the unattached population out of the
Colony and to leave us poorer than we are now.
4. Enormous sums were spent by my predecessor in making rival
roads to
the single Gold Mine of
Cariboo. A staff of Public
Officers was created sufficient for a population ten times as
great as we have now. To me has fallen the melancholy task of
reducing expenditure, and I may mention incidentally that my own
Salary is upwards of eleven months in arrears and that the Bank
British Columbia is charging me eighteen per cent interest
an overdrawn account.
5. The reductions I propose to make will probably leave me
without an Executive Council and I shall have humbly to request
fresh Royal Instructions.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient,
humble Servant.
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
Send to the T
y for information a copy of the
D. of
Buckingham's of the
10 April N
o 22, written on the receipt
of their letter 3274, & of this despatch?
See subsequent 102/11064/68.
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to Secretary to the Treasury,
25 July 1868, forwarding
copies of correspondence with reference to the financial condition of
the colony.