No. 73
28th July 1868
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's despatch No. 50 of the
24th August 1867,
forwards for my "guidance" a report from the Postmaster General
to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury relative to
the rates
of postage upon letters and papers sent between the United
Kingdom and British North America via the United States.
2. Your Grace directs me to bring this Report under the
consideration of my Council with a view to obtaining concurrence
in the recommendations of the Postmaster General.
3. Having consulted the members of the Executive
Council &
received unanimous assent I forwarded copy of the
Duke of
Montrose's letter of the
12th August 1867 for the
information of the Postmaster General on the
19th of
November. Since that date the proposition made has been acted
on by us. Letters with English stamps are delivered free in
this Colony, but it appears that in some, if not all cases, our
by means of local stamps has been ignored in the
United Kingdom and full postage charged.
4. If a formal acceptance of the
Duke of Montrose's proposal is
required I hereby tender it, with the advice of my Council. But
I considered the matter settled when I sent a copy of the letter
of His Grace to our local Postmaster General on the
19th ofNovember
November last.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient,
humble Servant.
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Copy to Post Office with reference to letter to them of
Aug—on 8532.
And also a copy of 9931.
At once.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Secretary to the General Post Office,
23 September
1868, forwarding copy of the despatch and
subsequent despatch No. 90 of
5 August 1868 for consideration.