Mr Elliot
So far as regards the purchasers of these lands there seems not
to be much difficulty. They are ready to have the sales
annulled upon receiving back the purchase money with interest.
Probably the doubts which hung about the titles have influenced
them considerably. Nothing is stated in the report as to those
persons who had their land
illegally sold, & who are now to have those lands charged with the
purchase money & interest.

This is an error. No owners having remonstrated. See page 4 of
But the
Govr & Col. Secretary (who
was chairman of the Commission) deprecate any interference with
the Ordinance, and considering the complicated state of things
which necessitated a rough measure, and the immense advantage of
clearing away the doubts that hung about these sales & the
titles to the land, I should be strongly disposed to confirm
the Ordinance but to point out that such confirmation was
granted in consideration of the very peculiar circumstances of
the case & of the strong recommendation of the
Govr & Col.