No. 99
10 August 1868
My Lord Duke,
I have had the honor to receive Your Grace's Circular Despatch
of the
15 June, transmitting Copy of a Draft Bill which has been
introduced by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
to to
provide for the carrying into effect of Capital Punishment
within Prisons.
2. Your Grace is of opinion that where there is no
statutory impediment, or no difficulty in removing such
impediment by Legislation, I should consider and report to Your
Grace my opinion as to the expediency of adopting the principles
of this Bill in this Colony. Your Grace desires, likewise, that
I shall make any remarks which
may may occur to me on the subject.
3. I considered the question fully in the Executive Council,
and, as all the Members were of the same opinion as myself, I
speak in their name as well as my own.
4. Were it not for the inexpediency of having two modes of
carrying out a Capital Sentence in the same Colony, one law for
the larger Towns,
Victoria and
New New Westminster, and another for
the smaller ones such as
Lytton and
Lilloett, I should decidedly
desire to have Executions take place within the prison walls. In
Victoria and
New Westminster it would be perfectly practicable;
but in the other Assize Towns,
Richfield (
Cariboo), and in others, the prison Buildings are
without Walls. The general well being of the population
and and the
consequent absence of Crime, allows of our keeping the few
prisoners in the Country Districts in Houses which, elsewhere,
would be condemned for insecurity. They are, however, generally
5. In
New Westminster the gaol is at the back of the Town, and
a man must go out of his way should he wish to witness an
execution. Few do.
6. In
Victoria the Prison is in one of the main Streets, but by
having the sentence of the law carried out at daybreak and a
Guard of Marines in the Street, I think all would pass with
decency, and the number of spectators would probably be very small.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
humble Servant
Frederick Seymour