No. 124
30 November 1868
My Lord Duke,
I had the honor to receive, yesterday, Your Grace's despatches
No. 89 of the
21st October and No. 90 of the same month both
on the subject of
British Columbia in any treaty of
reciprocity which may be made with the United States.
2. It happened that I had summoned the Executive Council to
meet this morning—so I brought the subject under their
consideration. I found opinion divided. I shall therefore
consult the Legislative Council—about to meet—on the question.
3. Could
3. Could I, however, without indiscretion venture to beg of
Your Grace for information as to the nature of the treaty which
it appears, is being negotiated with the United States?
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
humble Servant
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
I conclude it is for the F.O. to say whether this request can be
complied with.
What answer shd be given.
See subsequent Govr 14, 4619, Feb 4, 1869.
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office,
29 January
1869, forwarding copy of the despatch and asking what answer
should be given.