They claim Imperial compensation for losses arising out of the
change of Capital—that is the seat of the
Govt of the United
Colony being fixed at
Victoria V.C. Island.
They state that
New Westminster was by Proclamation made the
Capital of
B. Columbia—that this fact was held out as
inducement to purchasers of land there—& that it was promised
that the proceeds should be laid out in the improvement of the
roads & streets—that this promise was not kept the proceeds
being absorbed in the General Revenue. That the Council bought
property at an exorbitant price,

on which they borrowed money
for roads &c—which is now nearly worthless—& that the
depreciation of property generally prevents their levying taxes
to pay even the interest.
I would refer you to the minutes on 87/8562/67.
But even Public Officers could have no home compensation see
1. When
Vancouvers Island was founded
Victoria was declared to
be her capital & investments of course took place in the
expectation that it
wd remain so.
2. When
B.C. was founded
N. Westminster was declared to be the
capital & investment of course equally took place on the
expectation that it
wd remain so.
3. When the two Colonies were united (under the title of
it became necessary to determine which set of expectations
shd be disappointed. The population of
Victoria was said to
be almost 3000 to 4000, that of
New Westminster about 1500 to
2000. The capital invested
in each &
wh wd suffer by loss of the advantages of
capital was probably in proportion. It was for this & other
reasons (as that
Victoria was of more ready communication with
the world—was the commercial entrepot &c) determined that the
wh had to be imposed on

one must be imposed on
New Westminster.
New Westminster now, after a very common fashion of argument,
urges that because the Act of
Govt in proclaiming a capital
raised certain natural expectations therefore
Govt is bound
to fulfil those expectations. I hold that neither private nor
public affairs could be carried on if such a principle were
admitted, i.e. if men are considered to guarantee the natural
[several words cut off microfilm].
If these purchasers before buying their lots had distinctly
asked the
Govt "do you pledge yourselves never to change the
site of the Capital?" there cannot be a moments doubt of the
wh any honest Governor would have made. "Certainly
not. The choice and removal of a Capital (
Ottawa) are matters
must always depend on a variety of considerations—political
commercial, military, sanitary

which it is impossible to
foresee. You must judge for yourselves as to the likelihood of
change. All I can say is that the
Govt give you the start—I
make it the capital, with no intention of changing it."
I do not believe that any one man who now urges that Govt has
pledged itself not to remove the capital, would have really
expected at the time any but a negative answer to a proposal
that the Govt shd pledge itself.
I would answer this part of the Memorialists petition
argumentatively in the above sense. Because it is an argument,
which, till it is considered, is not without plausibility, and
because the people who advance it, are represented as being a
respectable & well conditioned

sort—deserving of considerate treatment.
And also—because it is a kind of argument wh is continually
recurring—there is a constant tendency to build up a pledge
against it out of expectations contracted by B.—and the
publication of an exposure of a common fallacy is always a good deed.
With regard to the misapplication of the Land Fund, I would
observe that no documents are referred to in support either of the
allegation that the purchase money of Town Lots in
N Westmr
was to be devoted to improving streets & roads in the city or of
the allegation that they had not been so devoted. But that on
these points the first step of the Memorialists ought to [be to] bring
their case before the Leg
ve Council through those gentlemen
by whom they are substantially represented in that body, and
that it

is for the local
Govr & Leg
re to consider at least
in the first instance, by what mode of enquiry the truth
be ascertained.