I have the honor to forward copy of a correspondence which has
passed between
Rear Admiral Hastings and
myself respecting the
proposal of conferring the local rank of Brevet Lieutenant
Colonel on
Captain Delacombe, Royal Marine Light Infantry, while
in command of the English Garrison on
San Juan Island. Such
rank to be honorary and carry with it no precedence without the
Island nor any increase of emolument.
2. As
Admiral Hastings acquaints me that he will
officially with me on this subject, as soon as he shall have
heard from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, I should
hardly venture to trouble Your Grace on this present occasion
were it not that I am informed that
Captain Delacombe has been
put in possession of a copy of the letters I enclose. They may
therefore not improbably reach
Your Grace before I shall be able
to answer
Admiral Hastings' official communication. I need
hardly say that my letter of the
23rd November was purely
unofficial. But I would beg Your Grace to believe that I am not
preferring the slightest complaint against the Naval Commander
in Chief, with whom, I am happy to say, I am on the most
satisfactory terms.