Sargeaunt to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
Office of the Crown Agents for the Colonies
Spring Gardens, London, S.W.
19 August 1868
Referring to your letter of the
3rd ultimo, and in compliance
with the request contained in its P.S., I return herewith the
drawings and specifications supplied by the War Office to enable
the Volunteers of
Vancouver's Island to obtain the Targets they
require from the Trade.
The Birmingham Agents, to whom I referred these drawings and
specifications for the purpose of ascertaining
the price, state
that the Iron Targets could be supplied at £4 each and Mantlets
at £26 each: but that they cannot report favorably of the
Targets, the impact of the bullet in a very short time so bends
and buckles the plates as to render them useless.
They recommend the Cast Hematite Targets as being cheaper (£3
each), stronger, and never bending.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient servant,
W.C. Sargeaunt
Minutes by CO staff
At once.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
F.J. Roscoe,
25 August 1868, forwarding copy of
correspondence relating to cost of supplies required for rifle
practise of the
Vanocuver Island Volunteer Corps.