Sir F. Rogers
The functions of the Crown Agents

This is an answer to a question implied in
Ld Granville's
Minute on 13520 B. Col
are to transact commercial &
financial business in this Country for certain Colonies a list
of which will be found at page 10 of C.O. List.

Draft herewith also.
They comply with all requisitions for Machinery, Medicines,
Stationery, Books &c &c which may be forwarded to them by the
Secy of State from the Colonies. Requisitions

limited to
very small amounts are complied with if sent direct from the Colonies.
With the exception of 2 or 3 Colonies the Agents assess a charge
on the Colonies for which they perform business.
These charges are based partly on the relative amounts of the
Colonial accounts & partly on the more or less laborious
character of the duties which the Agents perform.
They pay the pensions & half Salaries of Coll officers in this
Country, engage passages in cases where free passages are given &c &c.
The most important & responsible business performed by the
Agents is the raising in the
London Market of Colonial Loans,
paying the interest thereon & managing the Sinking funds for the
redemption of those loans.
For this business special charges are made.
1st for negotiating Loans 1/4 per cent commission & 1/4 per
cent brokerage.
2d for payment of interest 1/4 per cent.
3dly For paying off principal at maturity—1/2 percent.
All these

charges & the assessments to which I have before
referred go towards or rather cover the expense of the office &
the Surplus is funded with a view of providing pensions for the
Members of the Crown Agents office.