I have to acknowledge your letters of
2nd & 9th inst
enclosing an application from
Mr Poole for a concession of
Charlotte Island, on the ground that he has discovered there
resources which might be developed with advantage to the public.
Mr Poole suggests as a condition of the grant
that he should undertake to find adequate
capital to carry out the objects he has in view.
2. I need scarcely observe that a free grant of land, even on
the condition suggested by
Mr Poole, is contrary to the
principles which have guided every government in the disposal of
land in the Colonies for the last 35 years—nothing but the
certain prospect of very signal
advantages would justify a departure from those principles.
There is, however, nothing in
Mr Poole's letter to indicate any
such prospect, and I cannot, therefore, recommend a compliance
with his application. Of course if
Mr Poole should desire to
do so, it is open to him as to

any one else, to become the
purchaser of land in
Queen Charlotte Island under the ordinary
regulations of the Colony.