The Captain & Members of the
Victoria (
Vancouver Island)
Volunteer Rifle Corps have requested me, their Ensign now on a
visit to this country, to ascertain if it is possible for them
to procure (either as a gift or a loan) a set of Targets for
Rifle Practice.
I therefore take the liberty of asking you if you could kindly
make the necessary requisition to the War Office, or proper
Military authority, to enable us to get these Targets, assuming
that it is possible to do so. The
Victoria (
V.I.) Rifle Corps is
the only Land force on
Vancouver Island, & it has been
maintained at considerable expense
to both officers & men. I
would submit therefore that it is well worthy of any little
assistance of this kind which Her Majesty's Government could
bestow upon it.
Mr Birch having been in the Colony would
probably endorse this latter statement, and both he &
Holland are acquainted with the writer.