No. 73
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 81 of the
1st August enclosing a Report from the Acting Colonial Secretary upon
the working of the Ordinance "to provide for the settlement of all
outstanding questions relating to the sale of land for taxes in
Vancouver Island."
It would seem from the Report that so far as regards the purchasers
of the lands in question, no difficulty which cannot readily be
surmounted has arisen, and none is anticipated; and further that no
original owner of any of these lands has hitherto appeared or made any
claim against the Government in respect of the illegal sale.
So far then the working of the Ordinance has been satisfactory, and
though it is too soon to form any decided opinion as to whether this
state of things will continue, yet under the very peculiar
and involved
circumstances of the case, and looking to the strong recommendations of
yourself and the Acting Colonial Secretary in favour of the measure, I
have recommended that the Ordinance should receive Her Majesty's
sanction, and I have now to convey to you Her Majesty's gracious
confirmation and allowance of the same.