No. 12
30th January 1869
My Lord,
2. I now forward a Map shewing the course of the line of cable
and wire.
3. The telepraph belongs to an American company. It was
established with a view of communicating with Asia and Europe by
way of
Behring's Straits. But the successful laying of the
Atlantic Cable has caused the abandonment of the work. The line
Quesnelmouth on
the Fraser River, and
the Skeena River
now utterly useless. That between
Victoria and
Cariboo, I
fear hardly pays the working expenses.
4. The system in operation is that known by the name of "Morse's."
5. It would be ungrateful of me to close this despatch
bearing testimony to the extreme liberality of the Western Union
Company to whom the Wire belongs. My Messages pass free to all
parts of the line; and in
San Francisco, where, not choosing to
use the concession accorded to me, the money I paid, as a
stranger, was returned
to the hotel where I was staying in less
than half an hour.
I have the honor to be
My Lord
Your Grace's most obedient
humble Servant
Frederick Seymour
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to Secretary to the Post Office,
14 April 1869,
forwarding copies of despatches from
British Columbia and
Tasmania regarding the "Telegraphs and Railways in operation in
those Colonies."