I have the honor to forward an Authenticated and two plain
Copies of an Ordinance of the late Session of the Legislature of
this Colony, entitled;
No. 7.
No. 7. An Ordinance further to extend the time granted to the
Harewood Colliery Company, Limited, by "The Harewood Railways
Company's Act,
1864" for making and completing a Tramway from
the Company's Mines to
Departure Bay,
2. I likewise enclose the Legal Report of the Attorney General.
3. I quite agree with that Officer that no further extension of
the rights of the
Company should be granted beyond the time
fixed by this Ordinance; but as the principal proprietor in the
Lord Harewood's brother,
Captain Lascelles R.N. has
returned to the Colony without naval employment, I trust that
his object is to take up the work contemplated with vigour.