I would in the
1t instance refer you to the minutes on the
Governor's despatch 798—respecting an

Indian quarrel & massacre
or murder, & the despatch addressed to
Mr Seymour on this subject.
Mr Trutch's letter & report you will see that this affair
is considered & has been dealt with as an Indian quarrel—& that
both Tribes were had on board & that, their differences having
been settled, a Treaty of Peace

was signed by them in the
presence of the Governor—& they were then informed by the
Governor that he allowed them on this occasion for the last time
to make compensation to each other, according to custom for
friends & relations killed, & injuries inflicted, but that for
the future the barbarous system must be given up, & that
henceforth they must live according to English Law, & that if
they offended ag
that Law, every means would be taken to
apprehend & punish them. Having been feasted & presents of
pipes &c given to each they then mixed together with the
greatest cordiality.
Mr Trutch's Report you will also find an account of his
investigation into a complaint of some white people ag
Bella Coolla Indians—of which we have also an
account from one of the complaining party—
Fletcher—see 8130.

From his
account it appears that an Interior Indian named "
who was stopping at "
Bella Coola in
Tom's house (
Tom is one of
the principal
Bella Coola Indians) came hovering around
Feak's house apparently watching for some one. Shortly
manni stepped to the edge of
Feak's fence, & lodging his gun on
it he shot one of the Boys named
Mens-Steetkla"—who was badly
hurt having 13 shot wounds. Attempts were made to effect a
reconciliation—but without effect for it is stated that

one of the Boys relations went across the
river & shot
Ji-juc-manni dead."
Mr Trutch says
Captain Pender came on board & brought some
letters for the
Govr from
Mr Feak in charge of the Hudson's
Bay C
os trading Post at
Bella Coola & two white Settlers
complaining of the threatening conduct of the Indians—& that
they were afraid of their lives—but it does not appear that
they called attention to the shooting [of] the boy & the death by
shooting of
Ji-Juc Manni who

shot the Boy.

It is mentioned in
Mr Trutch's account, but not investigated.
Mr T. summoned some of the Natives on board & a Chief
explained "that there were some few bad
men among them, but that the tribe generally were very
friendly to White People. That some of the Indians from the
interior whilst at
Bella Coola last
winter had talked with these bad people of his tribe & had tried to
concoct a plan for killing & stabbing the White People, but that
the great Majority were entirely opposed to such wickedness" & he
was certain since a Man of War had come up there
wd be no fear
of the White People

being further injured.
Mr Trutch says it is impossible to exercise any supervision or
control over either Indians or White People at such remote Posts.

Wh may be true.
I should ackn
e this very interesting report, and express
satisfaction both at the prompt manner in
wh Mr Seymour
started for
Metlakatla on receiving
Ld G's dph of the
7h of
March and at his success in accommodating a quarrel,
wh if left
to itself m
t have produced very serious results in
asserting the cause of improvement among the Indians.
Seymour certainly died in the perf
e of a good work.