4. The day before he arrived I received information through a
Private Telegram that he would come here in a Steamer called the
Wilson G. Hunt," a regular trader between
Victoria and the
Ports on
Puget Sound.
5. As the day on which
Train was expected by
the "
W.G. Hunt,"
was not the regular day for that vessel to arrive, it created
some uneasiness in my mind, and I made application to the Senior
Naval Officer for the Gun Boat "
Forward" to be sent round and
anchored in
Victoria Harbour, in order that we might be prepared
to repel any acts of aggression on the part of
Train or his
followers; I thought it just
possible he might endeavour to
create some disturbance in the Town. However, he arrived
quietly in the "
Wilson G. Hunt" and left a few hours afterwards
by the same vessel and I see no reason to apprehend any
6. I enclose copy of a letter on the subject from the Police
Magistrate together with a Report from
the Inspector of Police.
I add an extract from our local Newspaper of this day's date.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your Lordship's most obedient,
humble Servant.
Philip J. Hankin
Administering the Government
Minutes by CO staff
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Newspaper clipping, unnamed,
10 July 1869, reporting
Train's visit to the city.
Other documents included in the file
People in this document
Bowden, Corporal William Charles
Cox, Charles
Edye, Captain W.
Hankin, Philip J.
Leveson-Gower, Granville George
Musgrave, Sir Anthony
Pemberton, Augustus F.
Sandford, Francis Richard
Train, George
Vessels in this document
HMS Forward, 1855-1869
HMS Satellite, 1855-1879
Wilson G. Hunt, 1849-1890
Places in this document
British Columbia
Puget Sound
San Francisco
Victoria Harbour