I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's
Treasury to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the
Instant, & its enclosures, respecting the case of
Mr Young the
Acting Colonial Secretary at
British Columbia.
I am to state for the information of
Lord Granville that My
Lords have no objection to make to the proposal to sanction the
payment from the Colonial Treasury of the Passage money to this
Country of
Mr Young & of his wife & children; but before taking
into consideration whether any gratuity should be granted to
Young in respect of the offices which he

has held in
British Columbia, My Lords would be glad to be informed of the
circumstances which led to his being superseded after he had, as
stated in his letter of
June 5 to
Governor Seymour, been
appointed to the Office of Colonial Secretary to the United
Colony, & filled it apparently to the satisfaction of the Governor.