In sanctioning the measure, I s
d inform the Governor
that, from whatever source public grants may continue to be made
to denominational schools, such Schools cannot receive any aid

under this Ordinance: and I s
d request to be furnished with a yearly
report upon the working of the measure, and its effects upon the
present denominational Schools. The amount of aid given to
Schools of both classes, and the conditions under which it is
given, should also be stated. It is to be hoped that suitable
arrangements will be made for ensuring, by a System of
Inspection, that the Public Grants will be given only to those
Schools in which satisfactory results are attained.
Lord Granville
This measure will do grievous injustice if it makes local
taxes for education compulsory on the one[s] who cannot
conscientiously send their children to schools supported by
them. It would be in that case establishing a system in
Columbia which has been tried, found wanting,

& condemned in
Trinidad. This system, as
Mr Keenan has shewn, is not the
system of the Irish National Board.
I cannot agree with
Sir F. Sandford that the experiment whether
these s[t]ate supported schools will not necessarily kill out
the schools which being voluntary, are certainly such as the
parents wish for, will be interesting to watch—

& I think it
probable that the parents who, conscientiously objecting to this
system, will still have to pay for it will agree with my view.
I think it would be wise to ask the Governor to consider
Creases despatch saying, that upon the understanding that an

will be passed bringing the present one into harmony
with the principles there laid down it will be sanctioned.
2. As I read the Ordinance, the intention at all events, if not
the effect of it, is to allow (as
Mr Forster's Bill allows),
any school, denominational or other, to receive a grant of public
money as a "common school," at the discretion of the Governor in
Council. The previous Ordinance of
1865, requiring the Common
Schools to be strictly non-sectarian, is repealed; but the
in Council may require the text-books used in schools under the
new Ordinance to be non-sectarian, and the provision enabling
the minister of any denomination to teach religion to the
children of his persuasion at convenient hours is retained.
There is, however, no "conscience clause" exempting scholars,
whose parents so desire, from attending such religious
instruction as may be given in the school. Neither is
there any
specific provision for ascertaining whether the existing school
of a district gives sufficient educational accommodation such as
every sect can avail itself of; nor for withdrawing aid from any
school which fails or ceases to comply with this requirement.
3. The ordinance is in fact too rudimentary; leaving too much
to be filled in by the Governor in Council; and as the local
Board have the power of imposing an educational poll tax upon
all males over 20 years of age, it seems necessary that the
regulations should be clearly defined in the Ordinance; so as to
secure to the people of each denomination that their children
may be taught their own religion, and shall not,
except by consent, be taught any other religion, in the School.
4. Such an arrangement
wd apparently be admissible under
Forster's Bill, and resembles the Irish National System, to a
considerable extent.
5. I am perfectly aware that the Roman
Catholic and Church of
England clergy will in many cases conscientiously resist this
system, saying that religion should be thoroughly intermixed
with education, & that they must have access to their School at
all hours. The state may however properly reply that these are
views which the denominations may carry out at their own cost,
but that only one sort of education can be paid for by public
money, that is, education which is non-sectarian when so
desired, but not consequently non-religious.
6. I should be inclined to write to the
Govr in terms of the
first three paragraphs of this minute (if they meet
Granville's views) and to recommend the amendment of the
Ordinance by the introduction of a "conscience clause" similar
to Clause 7 of
Mr Forster's Bill, thus leaving it permissible
for the School of any denomination to be a "Common School"
provided that it conforms to the regulations contained in that
Clause; and I should also suggest the adoption of the other
provisions, so far as they are applicable, (and
mutatis mutandis)
of that Bill, especially
the Clauses from 82 to the end; because
they furnish a machinery useful for many purposes not provided
for in the Ordinance.

The Ordinance so amended will apparently still be in accordance
with the present balance of opinion in the Colony out of which
this compromise has sprung. It will not perhaps be what any one
person would have desired; but in educational matters,
quot homines, tot sententia.