Barwise to Granville
The Right Honorable
The Earl Granville
Secretary of State
for Her Majesty's Colonies
My Lord
May it please Your Lordship
Some gentlemen with whom I am connected are about establishing
an association for the purpose of developing the Salmon
Fisheries in
British Columbia, more particularily for the
curing, drying and preserving the fish in the
Frasier River
and its tributaries.
May I be allowed to ask if your Lordship's Department can grant
such an association any assistance, or privilege of Fishing in
the said waters, and can in any way conduce to the developement
of this productive source of Colonial Industry

at present
entirely neglected.
I have the honor to remain My Lord
Your Lordship's Most Obedient humble Servant
Jackson Barwise
6 Edgecombe Road
The Grove
Cumberwell, Surrey
October 30th 1869
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
Should the answer be that the Assoc.
shd apply to the Col.
Govt with whom it will rest to decide whether they shall
receive any assistance or privileges in regard to Salmon Fishing
the Frazer & its tributaries.
If so copy

with the obn that it shd be consd whether any
such grant will bring them into collision with the Indians.
Govr for inf
Any such concession might be being injurious to Indian Interests.
Other documents included in the file