Hill to Granville
14 Woburn Square
16th June 1869
My Lord
I have just heard that the Government of
British Columbia is
vacant and I beg leave to offer myself as a Candidate for that
I have served Forty four Years including Eighteen Years as
Governor & Governor in Chief and Eight Years as Consul General,
and I trust my long and faithful Services in the worst climates
Eleven Years on the West Coast of Africa may be
considered a claim for employment.
The Records of my Conduct and Character as Soldier and Governor
are in the Colonial Office and I may venture to assure your
Lordship that few Governors have higher Testimonials, and whilst
I have on all occasions Carried into Effect the Instructions of
the Colonial Minister it has been my Good fortune as shown by
the Valedictory Address forwarded to Your Lordship to have won
the respect and Confidence of all classes of Her Majesty's
Subjects under my administration.
Should you My Lord be graciously pleased to entrust to my Care
the Government of
British Columbia it will be my earnest
endeavour to Merit the Confidence reposed in Me, and I shall
ever feel grateful to Your Lordship's Generous Consideration of
my Services.
Minutes by CO staff
Ackne adding that since writing his letter he
has become aware that the Govt is filled up.
Other documents included in the file