I have the honor to transmit the Enclosed Dispatch from the
Governor of
British Columbia, recommending me to the favourable
consideration of your Lordship.
I have been 18 years in the Public Service, 13 years in the
Capacity of Assistant Surveyor General, and five years in that

of Surveyor General (acting). During the last mentioned period
I was a member of the Executive
and Legislative Councils. Upon the Union of the Colonies of
British Columbia and
Vancouver Island, I, in Common with the
other Heads of Department of the Government of
Vancouver Island,
received a Circular letter from the Governor informing me that
the Office I then held was abolished by Act of Parliament. At
the request of the Governor I continued to conduct the business
of the Office

until I obtained my Leave of absence on the
March last, with a view to urge upon the favourable
consideration of Her Majesty's Government my claim to be
appointed to an Office Similar in kind to that which I held
before the Union of the Colonies.
I have also to request that I may be honored with an interview
in order that I may more fully explain to your Lordship my
position in the matter.