Sproat to Granville
Farncombe, Godalming, Surrey
June 18 1869
The Right Honourable
The Secretary of State for the Colonies
My Lord,
I respectfully beg leave to place my name before your Lordship,
and under the circumstances hereafter stated, to make
application for the appointment of Governor of
British Columbia,
which office has been vacated by the lamented death of
Governor Seymour.
1. My direct services under the Crown are having for four
years, been sole magistrate, also Collector of Customs and
Superintendent of Indian affairs on the West Coast of
Vancouver Island.
2. Under a commission from
Sir Jas Douglas, I organised the
first local military force in that Colony. I was also nominated
a Member of Council.
3. In the performance of my magisterial duties I was, on one
occasion, severely wounded.
4. Having visited the colony on special business, I was unable
to take any greater part in colonial affairs.
5. I have independent means, and should not desire to remain in
the Colonial Service.
6. I am deeply sensible that the above services

are not highly
important, and that under ordinary circumstances I could not
venture to urge a consideration of this application beside that
of other gentlemen of superior official and personal claims.
British Columbia is however, at present in a peculiar
condition, and many persons think that a special appointment
would be suitable to its circumstances. I enclose, marked A, a
short Memorandum, to illustrate this peculiar condition of the
8. The following are the special grounds on which I make the
present application
My appointment is desired by the principal persons in
this country connected with British Columbia.
In proof of this I refer in
London to the Bank of
Columbia; Messrs
Thomson & C[o], Billiter Court;
Messrs [Copistake?],
Moore & Co, Cheapside; Messrs
Findlay &
Durham, Great S
Helens, and the other leading merchants and property holders
connected with the Colony.
It is believed my appointment would be acceptable to
the colonists.
On this point, I enclose Testimonials, marked B, from men of
different classes and professions and of position and
reputation, well acquainted with
British Columbia and the Colonists.
(3) Circumstances have given me special knowledge of the
native population,
as appears in the above Testimonials, and also in the Press
Notices, herewith sent, marked C, of a book which I published
last year about the Indians.
I am well known in Canada and acquainted with its
I have been recommended by influential Canadians to the Privy
Council of Canada for the Lieut Governorship of the North West
Territory, and my application for that office is now before the
Privy Council. I feel, however, that I could aid the
consolidation of the Dominion more effectually in
British Columbia.
9. Public opinion in
British Columbia is far from ripe as
regards Confederation. A knowledge of the various sectional
interests in
British Columbia, and a knowledge of Canada itself,
would probably assist a Governor in guiding British Columbian
opinion in the desired direction, without risking a reproduction
of the Nova Scotian difficulty on the Pacific side of the Continent.
10. In the enclosed paper marked D, I have stated some
additional particulars of my education and history. I refer
thereupon to
Mr Maclaurin of Lock &
Maclaurin, Great George St.
Minutes by CO staff
But see enclosure A.
Sir F. Sandford
I knew
Mr Sproat during his residence in
Vancouver Island. As
a Merchant he was extremely unfortunate & brought the Company
for which he was interested to something like bankruptcy. He
had the name of being a clever longheaded
man but I had no means of judging. He refused a seat in the
Assembly & my only experience of him was in his Commercial
capacity & of that he had no reason to be proud.
The services "under the Crown" to which he refers were merely
nominal, he had a Log cutting Establishment on the West Coast of
the Island & was invested with powers to prevent disturbances
between his employees & the Indians who are the only occupants
of the densely wooded W. Coast.
I agree in much that
Mr Sproat writes in regard to the
Condition of the Colony.
I think that the expenses of the Govt might still be largely
reduced & I agree with him that the Governor's salary should not
for the present at least exceed £2,500.
The present Constitution of the Colony works well and a very
large majority are in favour of retaining it—especially as the
Governor has already the power to appoint unofficial members to
the Ex Council.
I think everything should be done to foster confederation with
Canada. The distance from the Navigable waters of
the Fraser to
the head waters of
the Saskatchewan is about 650 miles of this
some 180

miles of
the Upper Fraser are navigable for Steamboats
and 150 miles of road have already been constructed. The
remaining portion has been Estimated to cost 700,000$—say
£150,000. The Highway from Canada once completed I am confident
there would [be] a large increase to the population of
Mr Sproat is mistaken in saying that
B.C. is not an
agricultural Country. It is true that when he left the Colony
there was little agriculture, Mining being the only thing
thought of, & all flour & grain was imported from
Oregon or
California. I understand from recent letters that this years
produce will entirely suffice for the wants of the Colony
without importation & as it may be said that the Settlers have
only turned there [their]
attention to farming in the last 4 years the
prospect of
B. Columbia becoming a large grain producing Country

is not improbable.
See 7136 withdrawing his application, & expressing satisfaction
Mr Musgraves appointment.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
"Special Testimonials in Favour of
Gilbert Malcolm Sproat,"
including testimonials by
Samuel Laing,
Captain George Henry Richards,
Rear-Admiral Alfred P. Ryder,
Malcolm Cameron,
Archdeacon Gilson,
Rev. Octavius Glover,
Charles Forbes,
Frederick Whymper,
David Marshall Lang,
R.J. Dundas,
Captain A.P.H. Helby,
Robert Brown, and
Jonathan Watson, and an extract from the
British Colonist,
3 April 1869 (12 printed pages).
Press notices on
Sproat's book
Scenes and Studies of Savage Life (
1868) (six printed pages).
Resume of
Sproat's education and personal history, including
testimonial by
John Wade, his private tutor; critical
notices of his translations of the Odes of Horace; and an extract
from a speech he delivered at a banquet in honor of
Cameron in
People in this document
Anderson, Major General D. C.
Birch, Arthur Nonus
Blake, Ernest Edward
Brown, Robert
Cameron, Malcolm
Cox, Charles
Douglas, Sir James
Dundas, Reverend R. J.
Forbes, Doctor Charles
Gilson, Archdeacon
Glover, Reverend Octavius
Graves, Esquire Samuel Roberts
Helby, Lieutenant A. T. H.
Laing, Samuel
Lang, D. M.
Leveson-Gower, Granville George
Musgrave, Sir Anthony
Richards, Captain George Henry
Ryder, Rear-Admiral Alfred P.
Sandford, Francis Richard
Seymour, Governor Frederick
Sproat, Gilbert Malcolm
Wade, John
Watson, Jonathan
Whymper, Frederick
Places in this document
British Columbia
Fraser River
Oregon Territory, or Columbia District
Saskatchewan River
Vancouver Island