I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
Governor Seymour's
Despatches Nos. 58 and 60 of the
24th of March and
3rd of April, the
first forwarding a Petition addressed to
the Queen by the Legislative
Council of
British Columbia praying Her Majesty
to remove the present
unsatisfactory condition of the Courts of Justice in
British Columbia,
and the 2nd transmitting an Ordinance No. 8 of
1869, "to regulate the
Supreme Courts of Justice of
British Columbia."
In reply I have to convey to you Her Majesty's gracious
confirmation and allowance of the Ordinance No. 8, of
1869, and I have
to request you to inform the Legislative Council that their Petition has
been laid before
the Queen and that Her Majesty has been pleased to
it very graciously.
I have however to observe that if the Ordinance No. 8 of
1869, is
likely to cause some of the inconveniences apprehended by the Legislative
Council it is unfortunate that the Council did not act upon the
invitation made by the
Duke of Buckingham in his despatch of the
26th of
June 1868, No. 40 and modify the draft Ordinance sent from this Country
so as to remove or mitigate these inconveniences.