Mr Herbert
Suspension of
Mr Humphreys from his Seat in the Legislative
Council for an abusive speech at a Public meeting ag
st the
Council—& the Comm
r of Lands.
The offensive speech was in terms as follows—according to the
Minutes of the Council.
That as to the Lands & Works Office
Duke Trutch or Lord Trutch
r of Lands & Works)
had for the past 4 or 5 years control of the Office without the
slightest check upon him & that about $500,000 had passed thro'
his hands of which no account could be obtained & that when an
inquiry into the conduct of the said Officer & the disposal of
the monies was asked for in the Legislative Council it

"burked" or choked off by the Officials with what object he
would leave it to the Public to say. That he felt degraded as a
man by taking his Seat in that infamous rascally rotten
arrangement across the Bay (The Legislative Council).
They call it an honor to be a member of that House—for
my part I can't see any honor in it whenever I go over I
feel degraded & ashamed.
To this language the Council expressed the readiness to accept
the following apology.
It was not my intention by any words said by me at a Public
Meeting to express anything derogatory to the dignity of the
Legislative Council or of any one of

its Members, nor to cast
any imputation of dishonesty or improper conduct whatsoever on
the Chief Com
r of Lands & Works or any one connected with that
t—& if any words then spoken by me convey such an
impression I hereby retract them & express my regret at having
used them.
Mr Humphreys does not appear to have denied the language
imputed to him—but declined to make the apology as above—but
offered to make the following
If I used any language at a recent Public Meeting reflecting
upon the honesty of the Chief Com
r of L & W I sincerely
regret having used it as such was not my intention to do so by
any words that I then

And if I used on the same occasion & at the same place any
language that has been interpreted as disrespectful to the
Council as such instead of being in denunciation of a
Non-Representative Council I regret it as my language was
directed agst the Non-Representative Constitution of the Council.
This was not deemed satisfactory by 15 to 1.
The Council therefore passed a Resolution asking the
Govr to
Mr Humphreys, & this with the unanimous approval

of the
Executive Council the Governor has done.
The Governor's power of suspension is under Clause 14 of the
Order in Council of
11 June
1863—to be conducted in accordance with Clause 22 of
Musgrave's Commission.
Mr Humphreys from the language he used deserved no
consideration, tho' I hardly see how he could sign the apology
dictated by the Council—tho' his own was at the same [time]
insufficient, & he must as it appears to me be left to take

[the] consequence of his use of violent unjustifiable &
intemperate language.
I think it was altogether a mistake of the Council to take this
matter up so seriously, and to press it so far.
Mr Humphreys
used language which was calculated to give offence, but he
offered what seems to me a sufficient apology, and
Mr Trutch,
the Commissioner of Crown Lands, whose administration of his
office he had attacked, and who dictated the terms of the
apology which the Council would accept, was asking too much when
he required
Mr Humphreys to say that he had not desired to
impute any improper conduct whatever to the Chief Commissioner
of Works, or any one connected with that Department. The
resolution was adopted by so large

a majority of the Council
that it is difficult to refuse to confirm the suspension. I
think however that the case might be reviewed, and the Council
invited to rescind their resolution.
A reply might be made to the effect that it is always much to be
regretted when language unnecessarily strong and liable to be
misconstrued is used at meetings with reference to the public
men or institutions of a colony, and
Mr Humphreys cannot have
failed after reflection to perceive that he acted very
improperly in holding up the Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands,
and the Council of which he was a member, to the contempt of an
excited assemblage.
Lord Granville is however on the whole
disposed to think that the apology tendered by
Mr Humphreys,
explaining as it did that he intended no reflection upon the
honesty of the Chief Commissioner, nor any disrespect to the
Council itself, but merely dissatisfaction at its
non-representative constitution, was such as the Council might
have accepted without any derogation from its dignity. It
appears in fact to
Lord Granville that there is no substantial
difference between the apology dictated by the Council, and that
tendered by
Mr Humphreys, except that the former required
Humphreys to declare that he had not intended to impute any
improper conduct whatever to the Chief Commissioner, or any one
connected with the Lands and Works Office. With regard to this
point it is unnecessary for Lord Granville to observe that if
Mr Humphreys desired to express dissatisfaction with the manner
in which the business of that Department was conducted, the
proper course would have been for him to do so in his place in
the Council. As however he was ready to declare that he made no

against the character of the Chief Commissioner, it was
perhaps requiring more than an opponent of the Government could
concede, when he was asked to state that he had had no intention
of expressing dissatisfaction with the manner in which that
gentleman's department was administered. It is indeed obvious
Mr Humphreys believed (
Lord Granville trusts quite
wrongly) that the administration of the Crown Lands office was
open to censure, and he could not therefore be expected to
express confidence in it.
In making these observations
Lord Granville does not desire to
be understood as justifying in any degree
Mr Humphreys conduct
at the meeting, which he strongly reprobates, but looking to the
length of time during which
Mr H. will have been under
suspension, and hoping that the Legislative Council may now be
prepared to accept an apology which in their first moments of
indignation they deemed inadequate,
Lord Granville thinks that
the requirements of the case would be met if the Resolution of
the Council were rescinded, upon
Mr Humphreys presenting
himself before the Council and making the apology

An apology of the nature of that....
which he had previously offered. It would be very satisfactory to
Granville if both parties could agree in this course—but
otherwise he would not be prepared to withhold his confirmation
of a decision recommended by so large a majority of the Council.