No. 106
August 11th 1870
My Lord,
Referring to Your Lordship's Circular Despatch of 30th May, I have the honor to forward the required Return of the Rates of all Taxes and Imposts from which the Revenue of this Colony were raised, together with the gross amount yielded by each TaxorManuscript image or Impost, showing the total gross Revenue of the Colony in the Year 1868, in accordance with the Address of the House of Commons dated 13th May 1870.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
A. Musgrave
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Round
These Returns show the gross Revenues for 1868 from Taxes & Imposts—but not the gross Revenue of the Colony for that year.
Be good enough to see what the difference wd be.
CC 14 Sept
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Mr Cox
The items of Revenue included in the Estimates and in the Bluebook, but omitted in these returns are:
Land Sales $ 5,564
Land Revenues $ 6,154
Rents exclusive of Land $ 2,168
Fees of Office $ 3,178
Sale of Govt Property $ 2,534
Reimbursements in aid of Expenses &c $15,529
Miscellaneous $ 441
Arrears of Taxation $ 3,907
(These figures are taken from the Bluebook). They raise the total gross revenue from $544,468 (see last enclosure to this d.) to about $584,000.
The omission may be intentional, but in the case of the Land Revenues very questionable, looking to the object of the return.
FRR 15/9/70
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Mr Herbert
The Return isManuscript image for the House of Commons. I suppose it should be given as it is.
To Parl: Clerk.
CC 16 Sept
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I think so. I do not know whether it was the object of the member who moved for this return to show the various modes of taxation resorted to in the Colonies, or the actual revenues of the Colonies. If the latter the return will be more worthless than Parliamentary statistics usually are. But we can only give what we receive and it seems to be in accordance with the wording of the motion to take no account of Land Revenue & other important items.
RGWH Mar 24/71
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What are the terms of the motion for this Return?
EHKH 25/3/71
See HC/4629.
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There will be a fine supply of waste paper.
K March 26/71
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FOA 27/3/71
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Mr Joseph
Gibraltar appear to have answered in 109 22 June but I have not had it.
Some replies I expect have been sent to you direct.
See question on B Columbia as to whether omission of Land Revenue is correct.
WR 29 Sept 70
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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"Revenue of British Columbia for the year 1868, accruing from Taxes and Imposts, after deducting the cost of collection."
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Return of the Revenue of British Columbia, as per despatch.
Musgrave, Sir Anthony to Wodehouse, First Earl of Kimberley John 11 August 1870, CO 60:39, no. 9887, 290. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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