Mr Cox
The items of Revenue included in the Estimates and in the
Bluebook, but omitted in these returns are:
Land Sales $ 5,564
Land Revenues $ 6,154
Rents exclusive of Land $ 2,168
Fees of Office $ 3,178
Sale of
Govt Property $ 2,534
Reimbursements in aid of Expenses &c $15,529
Miscellaneous $ 441
Arrears of Taxation $
(These figures are taken from the Bluebook). They raise the
total gross revenue from $544,468 (see last enclosure to this d.)
to about $584,000.
The omission may be intentional, but in the case of the Land
Revenues very questionable, looking to the object of the return.
I think so. I do not know whether it was the object of the
member who moved for this return to show the various modes of taxation
resorted to in the Colonies, or the actual revenues of the
Colonies. If the latter the return will be more worthless
than Parliamentary statistics usually are. But we can only give
what we receive and it seems to be in accordance with the
wording of the motion to take no account of Land Revenue &
other important items.