Tilley to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
General Post Office,
29th March 1870
In reply to your letter of the
10th Ultimo, transmitting copy
of a despatch from the Governor of
British Columbia, with
reference to the proposals for an exchange of correspondence
between the United States and that Colony, I am directed by the
Postmaster General to request that you will state to
Granville that he lost no time in informing the Postmaster
General of the United States that the arrangements suggested as
met with the entire approval of the Governor, but that the
latter was desirous that, if possible, the proposed mode of
dealing with newspapers
and printed matter should be modified,
so as to allow of the whole postage on such articles being
collected in advance, and no charge being made on delivery, in
accordance with the course contemplated in the case of letters.
The Postmaster General of the United States, however, declines
to adopt the modification suggested by the Governor, on the
ground that it differs from the plan which has so long been in
operation between the United States and all those British
Possessions in North America with which the States have
concluded Postal arrangements.
Under these circumstances, the
Marquis of Hartington presumes
that the Governor of
British Columbia will now agree to the
terms on which alone the United States' Post Office
disposed to act, viz
t that newspapers and printed matter shall
be subject to the regular domestic rates of postage to and from
the frontier in the United States and in
British Columbia
As the arrangements for the exchange of mails with the United
States may now be considered as definitely settled, His Lordship
would suggest that a proposal should be made to the Governor to
fix the 1st of July next for carrying them into operation on
either side.
With reference to the enquiry in the Governor's despatch as to
the effect which the proposed arrangements will have as regards
correspondence with Canada, I am to state that no reply has been
received to the proposition for an exchange of closed mails
British Columbia and Canada, by way of the United
States, which was addressed to the Canadian Post Office as long
ago as
November 1868, and that the Postmaster General has caused
a further communication on the subject to be made to the
Canadian Post Office.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Herbert
Send a copy to the
Govr with reference to his despatch 1385 &
to fix the date—namely the
1st July—for carrying the
arrangements into operation—& so inform Post Office.
At once.
Other documents included in the file
Herbert to Secretary to the General Post Office,
1 April 1870,
advising that their letter had been forwarded to
Musgrave, and fixing
1 July 1870 as the date for commencing new
postal arrangements with the colony.