I have the honor to enclose an Extract of a letter from M
James A. Grahame the representative of the Hudson's Bay Company
Vancouver's Island dated
Victoria September 2nd, in which
he points out that a trade in Spirituous liquor is being carried
on all along the North West Coast of British America in
Schooners that clear from the port of
Victoria and take on board
liquor outside
the Harbour.
Mr Grahame complains that while
the Company pay heavy duties on all the goods imported by them
they receive no assistance from the Colonial Government in
trying to prevent parties from trading Spirits with the Indians
on the Coast.
The Subject is one which the Company have had frequently brought
under their notice, and being satisfied that this illegal
traffic is carried on to a large extent the Committee request
you will have the goodness to move the
Earl of Kimberley to
take such steps as may appear to His Lordship to be necessary to
check, if not effectually to prevent trade in Spirits with the
Indians on the North West Coast of America. I need not dwell
upon its demoralizing effects upon the Indians, nor upon the
dangers and difficulties experienced by the Company's officers
in carrying on with them a comparatively unprofitable trade
under such circumstances.