I have the honour to enclose a copy of a letter from
Stanford of Charing Cross containing an offer for the engraving
and printing of the general map of
British Columbia compiled in
the Lands and Works Office of the Colony, and which I brought
home for publication.
Authority has been received by the Crown Agents for an
Expenditure of ($500) five hundred dollars on this account, and
as the terms proposed by
Mr Stanford, viz
t to supply (500) five
hundred copies for (£100) one hundred pounds, and any further
number at (£3) three pounds
per hundred retaining the right to
print and sell on his own account whatever further copies may
be required by the trade—appear to me very reasonable, I beg to
advise that I may be authorized to accept this offer, and that
the Crown Agents be instructed to receive and forward the (500)
five hundred copies of the map to
British Columbia, and to pay
Mr Stanford the sum of (£100) one hundred pounds on the due
completion of the work he undertakes to perform.