No. 10
10th February 1871
My Lord,
I have the honor to forward, with the usual Attorney General's Report, an authenticated and two plain copies of an Act passed by the Legislative Council entitled— An Act to appropriate thesumManuscript image sum of Three hundred and forty-seven thousand five hundred and thirty-five Dollars and One Cent, out of the General Revenue of the Colony, for the Contingent service of the Year 1871.
2. I enclose copies of the Estimates for 1871 upon which this Act is based, and of the Auditor's Report and of theReturnsManuscript image Returns required by Your Lordship's Despatch No 38 of the 16th December last, which are appended to that Report.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient
Humble Servant
A. Musgrave
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Herbert
B. Columbia Estimates 1871.
Revenue 1869 $528,494.
" 1870 Estimated 537,750.
" " with later information 502,300.
" 1871 533,950.
Customs for 1870 were estimated at $350,000—but will only reach $325,000 & are estimated for 1871 [at] $320,000. There are some variations in other Items as shewn in the Auditor's Report—but nothing calling for notice. Expenditure
1869 $515,539.
1870 Estimated 513,735.
1871 " 522,135.
Manuscript image The result shews an Estimated surplus of Revenue agst Expenditure of $11,814.
As regards Items of Expenditure the chief variations are shewn in the Auditors Report. I have nothing to add to the few observations I have made in the margin of the Auditors Report. There is however one Item not noticed in the Report & new this year which may be questionable, $4500 subsidy to Union Telegraph to Portland, per annum. The return of April shews a very small sum in hand as available.
The Governor has attended to the instructions contained in Lord Granvilles despatch of 1 April 1870—2543—& the Estimates were prepared before Mr Musgrave recd Lord Kimberley's despatchManuscript image of the 16 Dec 1870—12325.
But under present circumstances, that is with the new Constitution & the coming Union with Canada I do not see that we need do more than sanction the Appropriation Ordinance.
CC 10/3
I agree. In the present state of things it does not seem desirable to notice one or two minor matters which one would observe upon in the case of a Crown Colony.
RGWH Mar 10/71
EHKH 11/3/71
I agree.
K March 12/71
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Three printed copies of ordinance not on microfilm.
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George Phillippo, Attorney General, to Musgrave, 10 February 1871, reporting passage of the ordinance as per despatch.
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Printed copy of British Columbia Colonial Estimates for 1871.
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Auditors report on the above noted Estimates, signed by Robert Ker, Auditor General, and John Graham, in Charge of Treasury, 31 January 1871.
Other documents included in the file
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Draft reply, Kimberley to Musgrave, No. 22, 15 March 1871.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Holland to see as regards the form of allowance.
I have called your attention to this on another draft.
Musgrave, Sir Anthony to Wodehouse, First Earl of Kimberley John 10 February 1871, CO 60:43, no. 2352, 93. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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