No. 14
21st February 1871
My Lord,
I yesterday received a Telegram from Your Lordship dated
February, as follows:
Her Majesty's Government have learnt with much
of the unanimous passing of the Address by the Legislative
for Union with Canada.
2. This Telegram was accompanied by a Message from the
Francisco Office dated on the
17th instant stating that
Cable (Message) of
10th was repeated from terminus of Western
Union lines the same as original. If receiver desires another
repetition Cable tolls will have to be collected thereon,
notifying Cable Room,
New Yorkif
if you want it repeated from
3. At the same time I received a Note from the Agent of the
Telegraph Company at
Victoria as follows—
I enclose foregoing instructions to this Office from
Francisco relative to Cable Telegram of the
10th instant. The
Despatch was received here on the
10th but held till now for
correction. There is scarcely a doubt the prefix "dis"
is unintentional, the Cable Company being in error. Should you
wish it repeated from
London, however, I will order it at once
at a cost of Forty-five Dollars ($45.00).
4. As I had no doubt about the policy and instructions of Her
Majesty's Government upon the subject of the Union, I had no
hesitation in assuming that the prefix "dis" was accidental,
I did not therefore regard it as necessary to have the Message
repeated. My purpose had been served by ascertaining that Your
Lordship had received my Message. But as this is a striking
example of the manner in which the whole meaning of a
Telegraphic Despatch may be changed by a very trifling error, I
have thought it right to
acquaint Your Lordship with these
particulars, in order that it may be ascertained at least that
there was no mistake in the original message.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient
Humble Servant
A. Musgrave
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Herbert
This telegram's incorrectness might have been serious.
The despatch sending copy,
Mr Musgrave probably has just
recd—it is dated the same day as this dispatch.
Enquiry ought to be made & I suppose thro' the Post Office.
Yes. It is a very gross case.
Other documents included in the file
Holland to Secretary to the General Post Office,
18 April 1871,
asking that an enquiry be made into the mistake.
F.I. Scudamore, General Post Office, to
Holland, advising
advising that an immediate enquiry would be made into the matter.