No. 15
18th February 1871
My Lord,
I have had the honor to receive Your Lordship's Circular
Despatch of the
4th January transmitting for my information and
guidance an Extract of a Letter from the Board of Trade having
reference to a question
which has recently arisen in the Colony
Trinidad as the Rules to be observed in the measurement of
the Tonnage of Foreign Vessels.
2. Your Lordship requests to be informed whether the practice
advocated by the Board of Trade, viz: that Tonnage dues should
be levied on Foreign Vessels according to their Tonnage as
ascertained by English measurement
has been adopted in this Colony.
3. Up to the present time the practice has been to charge
tonnage dues on Foreign Vessels according to their own
measurement taken from their Certificate of Registry. There has
never been a complaint or objection in consequence. By adopting
the plan now laid down, for the first time in this Colony, there
will be a loss to the Revenue
though to no great extent.
Foreign Vessels, other than American, rarely come to our Ports,
except from time to time to
Burrard Inlet to load with Lumber.
4. In future the instructions of the Board of Trade shall be
complied with.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient
Humble Servant
A. Musgrave
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Herbert
The practice as regards Tonnage Dues in
B.C. has been to levy
them on the Tonnage stated in the Certificate of Registry held
by the Master of the Vessel.
A small loss will accrue to the Revenue by the adoption of the
Bd of T suggestion.
Inform that Dept.
Mr Robinson
Allude to the draft I passed yesterday. At once.