No. 25
I have the honor to forward for Your Lordship's consideration a
Memorial submitted to me by
Mr Alexander Caulfield Anderson on
the subject of a debt due
from him to the Government in respect
of certain lands purchased by him in
1859, and a claim which he
urges to compensation for the advantages which the local
government derived from a Map of
British Columbia and notes of
Explorations which had been prepared by him.
2. The original debt due by him
Anderson is Eight hundred
and Seventeen Dollars,
but the amount has been nearly doubled by accumulations of interest.
Mr Anderson had hoped that his
Map, and the information which had been derived from the Notes of
his explorations of which use had been made in the early days
of the Colony
would be accepted as an acquittance of his liability.
3. Some correspondence passed between my Predecessor and
Anderson upon this subject in
1867 and
1868, and
Seymour gave authority for allowing the amount of Two hundred
and fifty Dollars
Mr Andersonfor
for the Map, but this
remuneration he considered inadequate and the matter has
remained in abeyance until
Mr Anderson was recently again
called upon to pay the amount due to the Crown Fund.
4. I confess that in my opinion if the Map prepared by
Anderson and the
information and assistance afforded to the
Government when very little was known of the interior of the
Colony were worth anything at all, the sum of Fifty pounds was
not such compensation as he might reasonably expect. And that
the information furnished by
Mr Anderson who was an
explorer has been valuable, and may still be so in opening the
communication between this Colony and Canada, I am satisfied
from the papers which have been under my notice.
5. I would therefore recommend
Mr Anderson's case to Your
Lordship's favorable consideration. If you should
not think it
proper to remit the whole of
Mr Anderson's liability, as I
should be disposed to do, I would submit that he might at least
as an act of favor in consideration of his services, be
discharged from the interest which has accrued on his purchase
money, and also be allowed the amount
of Two hundred and fifty
Dollars which
Mr Seymour had authorized to be paid to him.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient
Humble Servant
A. Musgrave
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Herbert
Mr Anderson is indebted to the Colony some $1600 for unpaid
instalments on Land bought in
1849—$817 original purchase &
about a like amount for interest. On the other hand he has a
sort of a claim on the
Govt for a Map prepared some time ago,
which it appears he undertook in the hope of paying his debt for
it, & for which it appears the late
Govr offered him £50

its usefulness to the Public.
Mr Musgrave says he is disposed to let
Mr Anderson off,
setting the Map ag
st the debt, or at least to remit the
interest on the debt & give him the $250 Dollars offered by the
late Governor for the Map, still leaving him a Debtor of $817—£250.
Refer to Land Board—asking them whether if the Governor's second
proposal is accepted the account could not be closed by the
Government resuming possession of a proportionate amount of
land, in the event of
Mr Andersonnot
not being prepared to close it
by immediate payment of the cash balance. The system should not
be allowed to run on indefinitely after the Government has made
a considerable abatement of its claim.
Answd Ld Bd/4372 May 3, 1871.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
A.C. Anderson,
12 December 1870, memorandum
relating the circumstances
of his debt and appealing for leniency.
Anderson to
16 December 1870, amplifying upon the
above memorandum and expressing the hope that
Musgrave will
recommend the remission of his whole liability.