It may now be presumed that the formal declaration of the Union
British Columbia with Canada will not be deferred for many
months. I do not wish to leave my Post while anything important
remains to be done;
but as Your Lordship will observe from the
measures of this Legislative Session when all are transmitted to
you, I have been and am still endeavouring to prepare the way
for the successful operation of the impending changes on the
Confederation of this Colony with the other Provinces; and when
that is
completed I shall be glad to have Your Lordship's
permission to relinquish the Government so soon as a Lieutenant
Governor can be appointed from Canada to relieve me. I am most
anxious to proceed to England to obtain the best surgical
advice. I am still a sufferer from the effects of an unfortunate
accident in
1869 when I sustained a most serious
compound fracture of the right leg. My lameness is yet very
great and painful, arising from distortion of the foot and
contraction of muscles and tendons, and I now have reason to
fear it may become permanent unless I can soon obtain relief
from Surgical
treatment and mechanical applicances which are not
to be procured in a Colony.
2. I assume myself to be entitled to the usual travelling
allowance on retiring from this Government, but I believe that
Your Lordship's formal authority for it is necessary before
drawing for the amount and with this I beg to be