No. 45
Referring to my Despatch N
o 39, of the
31st ultimo,
transmitting the "Civil List Act,
1871," I have the honor to
forward a Copy of a Letter from
Mr Rocke Robertson the Mayor of
Victoria with Resolutions passed at a Public Meeting held at
Victoria on the
31st ultimo respecting that measure.
2. I need scarcely point out to Your Lordship that it by no
means follows that these Resolutions at a meeting of a section
of local
"politicians" in
Victoria express the views of the
people of the Colony at large; nor that I have not regarded it
as opposed to the Imperial Policy to keep good faith with a
class of persons who have been appointed to their present
Offices by Her Majesty's Government, and who
ought not to suffer
from proposed political changes. The Act is only in a limited
sense of a permanent character. It simply secures that no
changes shall be hastily made without deliberation, and without
the approval of the Governor General advised by his Ministers;
while it does not
in any manner confer a claim to pensions. The
efficiency of the present staff may be held to be sufficiently
tested by experience; and, as Your Lordship is aware, the
payment of Salaries by Warrant from the Governor is only the
usual mode of proceeding.
3. In fact Your Lordship will perceive that the
Resolutions are
based upon misrepresentations, although these have been
authoritatively contradicted. And, that such erroneous views
should have been entertained and persisted in, I must admit does
not tend to create a very high opinion of the common sense of
the Meeting; or, if they
were fairly represented there, of the
ability of the people to form correct opinions upon public
questions, and their fitness for self-government.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient
Humble Servant
A. Musgrave
Minutes by CO staff
The Civil List Act is to be confirmed & the necessary letter &c
to the Council Office is [prepared?]
for this purpose.
The object of the Act is to prevent a scramble for the loaves &
fishes as soon as the Union is a fact.
Mr Musgrave's dispatch seems quite to justify the confirmation
of the Act. I send you a Newspaper with the Debate where on
the 2
d Reading the Act was passed

by 8 to 5.
Mr Holland
It is so obvious that these resolutions have been passed with a
sufficient knowledge of the circumstances which have rendered
the Civil List Act necessary, and of the power of the
Legislature to repeal it that perhaps there is no need to
do more than acknowledge. But it was a strongish thing to pass
so large a civil list, and to raise existing salaries in it;
and I think the officials will suffer hereafter for their
eagerness to secure their positions.
I would acknowledge, & instruct the
Govr to inform the Mayor
Ld K considers that no sufficient reason has been
addressed to warrant His Lordship in advising HM to withhold her
assent from the Act.
I do not at all like this proceeding. It is the only act of
Musgrave in the matter of the Union which seems to me a mistake.
It may have been right to pass a Civil List but I cannot see any
justification for the increase of salaries by an official
majority in a moribund legislature. I think the Act must be
sanctioned as it would be too great a rebuff to the Governor and
the majority to disallow it, but in sanctioning it I would say
that whilst I am not disposed to deny that there are
advantages in placing the Civil List on a more permanent footing
than that of an annual vote, and looking to all the
circes of the case I could not advise the disallowance
of the Act, I cannot but regret that such an occasion should
have been taken to increase salaries. Instruct the
Govr to
inform the Mayor that the

resolutions forwarded by him have been
carefully considered by me, but that looking to all the
circes of the case I have not thought it my duty to
advise HM to withold her assent from the Bill.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Resolutions recording a protest to the "Act to Provide for a
Permanent Civil List."
Other documents included in the file
Minutes by CO staff
I suppose this Act will pass at the Council on Tuesday?
Yes. This Act & and the Constitution Act.