I have had the honor to receive Your Lordship's Despatch N
o 61,
of the
17th June, enclosing correspondence with
Mr G.E. Nias,
on the subject of the land in dispute between him and the
government of
British Columbia.
A Lease
A Lease for a nominal Rent has
in accordance with Your Lordship's suggestion been offered to
Mrs Nias who is in occupation of the land, and is acting under
legal advice, for her husband, but she is indisposed to accept
that arrangement.
2. The case of
Dr Trimble is now under adjudication and will
probably be determined in a very short time, when the question
Mr Nias' title will also be decided. If the
decision, as
there can be little doubt, should be in favor of the government
it will then be more easy to effect some arrangement by which
Mr Nias may be able to exhaust the value of the improvements
made upon the land.
3. I enclose a Copy of the Information filed in the Supreme
Court in the case of
Dr Trimble which contains a clear
statement of the matter at issue, and may be useful if any
further reference is made to Your Lordship on the subject.