Murdoch to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
Emigration Board
3rd May 1871
I have to acknowledge your letter of
28th ulto with one from
the Governor of
British Columbia enclosing, and recommending to
favorable consideration, an application from
Mr A.C. Anderson
for indulgence in regard to a debt due by him for land purchased
Mr Anderson bought 294 Acres at £1 an Acre on which he paid
£125.8.7 leaving $817 = £170.4.2 unpaid. This debt by
accumulated interest has nearly doubled, and
Mr Anderson states

his inability to pay it, and applies for consideration on
account of public services he has rendered in exploring the
Country in former years and preparing & publishing a Map of it.
For this Map
Governor Seymour offered him £50 which he declined
as inadequate. The present Governor also thinks that sum
inadequate and would remit the whole of
Mr Anderson's debt.
But if the Secretary of State is not prepared to approve that
step he recommends that the interest on the debt should be
remitted, and
Mr Anderson be credited with £50 for his Map.
This would reduce the debt due from him to £120.
3. The value of
Mr Anderson's Map and of his services in the

exploration of the Country before and at the commencement of its
settlement can only be known to those on the spot. It appears
to me, however, that this is a case which may properly be
treated with considerable liberality.
Mr Anderson states that
he has been for nearly 40 years a resident in the Country, and
that all the information he has obtained during that period has
been put at the disposal of the Government without expectation
of reward. The Governor expresses himself satisfied that the
information furnished by
Mr Anderson has been valuable, and may
still be so, in opening the communication between
Columbia & Canada. Nor is it possible to put out of sight the
fact that the land which
Anderson purchased in
1859 at £1
per Acre would now be purchasable at $1 an Acre—and that he has
therefore already paid for his 294 Acres more than twice as much
as they would cost now. The remission of the debt could not be
placed on that ground alone without creating a precedent for
other purchasers at the same price. At the same time the fact
may be fairly taken into consideration in deciding the question.
4. Upon the whole, if the debt is not altogether remitted, I
should be disposed to recommend that the interest upon it should
be given up—that as the Governor thinks the sum formerly

offered is inadequate
Mr Anderson should be credited with £70
instead of £50 for his Map and the information he has from time
to time afforded to the Government, and that if he cannot pay
the balance of his debt (£100) in cash, he should be allowed to
discharge it by the surrender of the equivalent number of Acres
of his land at £1 an Acre.
I have the honour to be
Your Obedient
Humble Servant
T.W.C. Murdoch
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Herbert
See your Minutes on 4070. I think it is a case for liberal
treatment & I do not see that it will be a precedent
inconvenient to this Office hereafter—& remitting is much easier
than paying.
Governor Musgrave['s] most liberal proposal is to
cry quits.
I should myself be much inclined to wipe off the debt and to let
him have the whole of the land if it is not exceptionally
valuable. If it is he
wd not of course part with it and I
let him clear himself by paying 100£. I
shd trust
Mr Musgrave.
I incline to remit the debt &
wd sanction
Govr Musgrave in
this course if after full consideration he deems it the most
Other documents included in the file