Tilley to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
General Post Office, London,
7th February 1871
I am directed by the Postmaster-General to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter of the
12th ultimo, transmitting copy of
a Despatch from the Governor of
British Columbia, in which he
brings under consideration the charge at present made on letters
between that Colony and the United Kingdom, vizt: one shilling
per half ounce, contrasting it with the low charge of three
pence per half ounce made on letters between this Country and
the United States.
The Governor seems to consider that, as a letter is carried for
three pence from this Country to
San Francisco, the charge to or
British Columbia viâ
San Francisco, should not exceed twice
that amount; and he states that, by sending a letter under
cover to a correspondent at
San Francisco, and thus evading the
postage by the ordinary Mail, it can be transmitted the
entire distance for sixpence.
In reply, I am to acquaint you, for the information of the
of Kimberley, that the Postmaster-General finds on enquiry that
the expense of conveying the British Columbian Mails amounts to
about £3000 a year, vizt: £1000 for the sea and transit rates
for the distances between this Country and
San Francisco, and
£2000 for the service between
San Francisco and
This expense is borne in equal parts by the Imperial and
Colonial Post Offices; and they share, in like manner, the
postage derived from the correspondence: each Country receiving
the postage in one direction.
By this arrangement, the postage accruing annually to this
Department is estimated at £1500—while its actual outlay
amounts to the same sum.
Thus, there is nothing left even for the British inland Service.
Under these circumstances, the Postmaster General is not
prepared to recommend Her Majesty's Treasury to make any
reduction in the postage rate between this Country and
Columbia—so long as the expense of conveying the Mails
(particularly between
San Francisco and
Victoria) remains so
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Herbert
All that can be done is to send a copy of this to the
as the answer to his despatch.
Other documents included in the file