Mr Herbert
As you know we have only a telegram saying that the Columbia
Legislature have passed an Address in favor of Confederation
A Railway is one of the questions dealt with in the agreement
arrived at between the Govt of the Dominion & the Columbian
Too soon to present any papers as there is still much to be done.
The answer will be I suppose that the arrangements are not yet
completed, the Legislature of Canada not having

yet sanctioned
the conditions on which it has been proposed that the Union
should be effected.
That one of the conditions agreed upon by the two Governments is
that a Railway to connect the seaboard of
Br. Columbia with the
Railway system of Canada shall be made.
That it would not be convenient to lay papers on the table at
present, nor until the negotiations are further advanced.
(I anticipate that the Govt of Canada may [have]
no little difficulty in getting the consent of the Legislature
to the construction of a Railway, which it is said will cost
discussion of the arrangements in England.)