No. 47
I have the honor to convey to you Her Majesty's gracious
confirmation and allowance of the following Acts of the Legislature of
No. 12
No. 12 of 1871 "An Act to amend the Law as to the Qualification of
Voters and of Elective Members for the Legislature, and to provide for
the registration of persons entitled to vote at Elections of such
No. 13 of 1871 "An Act to regulate elections of members of the
Legislature of this Colony."
No. 14 of 1871 "An Act to prevent bribery Treating and undue
influence at the Election of Members of the Legislature.
No. 23 of
1871 "An Act to make provision for enquiry into
controverted Returns of Members to serve in the Legislature."
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble servant