12 Sepr.Mr Hawes
It is scarcely possible to determine what are the limits of the
Territory of the Hudson's Bay Company. But I suppose it to be
quite clear that
Van Couver's Island and our part of the
territory are not within those limits. The Company have no
proprietary or other rights there, save only the right which
they derive under the License of the year
1838 for 21 years
to trade exclusively with the Indians and to carry on the Fur
Trade. But that License expressly reserves to The Crown the
right of founding Colonies & of Establishing any form of Civil
Govmnt within the Territory comprized
in the License. Consequently the Company have no right, in
strictness of Law, so far as I can perceive, to any Land in
Van Couvers' Island or elsewhere, westward of the
Rocky Mountains,
and there may be serious difficulty in assenting to the
application they now make. It
wd., I think, be hardly consistent
with the terms of their Charter. It
wd. be very unusual to
grant Lands to any Company or indeed to any one else in the
vague and comprehensive manner here suggested and without any
previous Enquiry. Probably also the United States'
wd. object to such an Act. The Company at the date of the
Treaty of Washington has no Proprietary or other rights in the
Oregon Territory save only under the License of 1838 which
License must expire in
1859. Now the Treaty which gave

British Subjects the right of
Nav Navigating
the Columbia in order
to trade with the Company, and which declared the Navigation of
the River free to the Company must, I presume, be understood as having been made with full
knowledge of the fact that the Company's rights Westward of the
Rocky Mountains will expire in
1859. Now to give to that Com
pany a new interest & title in Lands in those regions
wd. be said to be an attempt to
prolong beyond
1859 the right of Navigation. Whether this objection
be well-founded I do not undertake to say. All I
wd. suggest is
that caution
shd. be used in laying any ground for it.
Hudsons. Bay Cy
Ld Grey
In consequence of the Settlement of the Boundary between the U.
States & G
t. Britain by the T
y of Washington, the Hudsons
Bay Company now apply to learn the intentions of the
- As to the acquisition of Lands in the promotion of Settlements
north of the 49th paral.
- Whether they will be confirmed in the possession of
Lands in the southern part of Vancouvers Island & whether they add to their possessions there.
I imagine whatever the grant originally to the H.B. Company — it could not be considered
to extend to any portion of the
Oregon territory or to
Vancouvers Island — which was only disc
d long after the original grant. And I therefore agree
Mr Stephen that the Company under either their Charter or their License could not acquire any
proprietary rights in these parts.
Within therefore the now known Boundaries of Brit. Territ
north of the 49
o it will be for the Crown, in any future of
that territory westward of the
Rocky Mountains 
Vancouvers Island to grant or Sell, or confirm holdings or occupations of, Lands at its discretion.
For this purpose the Company must I apprehend make a formal
application to
Ld. Grey — stating what
the require for the purpose of their Trade under their License. Till that is done no
answer can be returned to their present Letter. They moreover must shew what they
alledge they possess —& their title to it. I do not doubt, any
application they make will be fairly & liberally considered. But South
of the Boundary, I imagine as the Company indeed does,
Ld. Grey can
neither grant nor confirm anything. All such possessions & claims appear
to be provided for by the 3
d. Article of the Treaty & must be brought
under the consideration of the Foreign Office. But there is one portion
Mr Stephens minute which implies of it to not express an opinion, in which I cannot

concur. But I may have misunderstood him.
I quite agree from such inspection of the Charter & License as I
have been able to give it — that the Company has no proprietary rights
& could have none, West
wd of the
Rocky Mountains,
Vancouvers Island
included. But I do not agree that they can acquire none if the Crown
see fit now to grant them. Neither do I see any thing in the Treaty to
restrict the power of the Crown if it see fit to extend the License of
the Company. Now I understand
Mr Stephen to be of opinion that to
give the Company "a
new interest & title in Land in these
regions would be said to be an attempt
to prolong beyond 1859" (when the present
license expires) "the right of" the free navigation of
Columbia:— because the right of freely navigating
was conceded to the Hudsons Bay Company "with the full knowledge
of the
fact that the Company's rights West
wd of the
Rocky Mountains expired

Now I imagine it is not by what was understood by the
Negotiators (if indeed anything was understood on this point) but by
the Treaty we must abide. By the 2
d Article the great north Branch
Columbia was to be "free
& open to the Hudsons Bay Comp
y &
British Subjects trading with the same" This Company has existed
under Charter & Licence since
1670 to the present time — & so long as
the Crown continues the Charter or License — so long the Hudsons Bay
Company &c can claim the free navigation of
this River, subject to the provisions of the Treaty.
I see nothing in the Treaty to justify the extinction of the
Company or its Charter in 1859. Nor can I think this was contemplated —
though I fully expect from the language of the Treaty American
diplomatists will well contend for it.
The Province of Canada lost the free navigation of the Mississippi
by a
geographical blunder. The Hudsons Bay Cy &
the subjects of England trading with it may lose the free navigation of
the Columbia by diplomatic omission of a clear and express reservation
of rights.
The greatest of Modern Statesmen have attached the greatest
importance to the free navigation of Rivers, forming the Boundary of
States, or running through successive independent States & that opinion
is recorded in a very remarkable article in the Treaty of Vienna in 1815.
England has clear rights under that Treaty regarding the Navigation of
the Rhine, which in these days of free trade — it may be well in some
future occasion to recall to mind.
However, I conclude by venturing to express an opinion that the
Crown may consistently with the T
y of Washington renew if it see
fit the Hudsons Bay
Cy.'s License & thus secure & perpetuate the free navigation of
the Columbia, be it worth much or little.
I imagine therefore

that the answer to the Company's Letter must
be that
Lord Grey is at present advised that the
Cy have any
Proprietory rights westward of the
Rocky Mountains Vancouvers Island included. That without further consideration he cannot give any
answer to the present application, especially without having from the
Company the nature of their alledged title to lands within these
regions, which under their Charter or their License it does not appear
they could acquire.
That as to any future disposition in which a grant of Land within
the now ascertained territory of G
t Britain in these regions — that
must be reserved also for further consideration (I merely add — that it
may not be quite certain whether though

the Boundary between the United States & G
t Britain is settled — that the Russian Boundary between England & Russian possessions
is necessarily settled)
This is a very difficult & important quest
n. Looking to the
encroaching spirit of the U.S. I think it is of importance to
strengthen the B
sh hold upon the territory now assigned to us by
treaty by encouraging
the settlement upon it of B
sh subjects; & I am also of opini
n that such settlement c
d only be advantageously effected under the auspices of the Hudson's Bay Co. wh. I
am therefore
disposed to encourage — But cer
tainly great care must be taken in adopting any measures with this view to avoid any
irregularity or
informality — Instead of writing a letter throwing a doubt on the right
of the Co. to Lands they now occupy, the best course I think
wd be
Mr Hawes &
Mr Stephen together to
hav have an interview with
Sir J. Pelly in order to ascertain clearly from him what rights the Co. claims — what they now
wish to have done — & what measures may most safely
& properly be adopted with a view to establishing more B
sh settlers
in this territory.
Sir J.P. that before any
G. 16/ official answer is sent to this letter I wish to have some further explanat
n upon the subject, that
as I am leaving town it is not in my power myself to see him but that I
shd be obliged to him if he would call here & afford to
Mr H. &
Mr S. for my informat
n the explanat
n whi seems necessary. —
24 Sepr
Mr Hawes
I make for your concurrence or correction, and for
Lord Grey's
information, the following note of what occurred, when in pursuance of
his Lordship's direct
ns, you and I met
Sir John Pelly at this Office yesterday.
It appeared from his answers to the questions proposed to him —
1st. That the Hudson's Bay Company are not able to define the extent of their Territory
otherwise than by stating it to comprize all the Lands watered by the Rivers falling
into Hudson's Bay
d. That they have no rights whatever in the Countries west of
Rocky Mountains, save only such rights as they derive, First — from
their general powers of Trading with all Indians in North America and,
Secondly, from their Special License to carry on, till the year
an exclusive Trade in the
Oregon Territory —
d. That it is very doubtful whether the Act of Parliam
wh: that License was granted &. the Company's acceptance of that
License, and the transactions of The Crown with the North West Company
have not reduced the rights of the Hudson's Bay

Company within, what
may now be called,
British Oregon, to the Single foundation of the Act
of Parliam
t and the consequent License — so, that, after the Year
1859, the Company
wd have no rights at all in any British Territory
West of the
Rocky Mountains,
save only such rights as save only such rights, if any, as may now,
or hereafter, be conferred upon them
th That the Hudson's Bay Company have certainly no right to
the Soil in the British Territory West of the
Rocky Mountains, or to
any part, however inconsiderable, of that Soil.
5th. That it is very doubtful whether consistently with their
Charter, the Company could accept a grant of any such Lands —
th That, therefore, it
wd be better that whatever may be granted,
shd be so granted, not to the Company, but to a Subordinate
Association which
the some Members of the Company have formed in their personal and independent characters,
& to
wh: Association really belong all the Possessions of the Company in
American Oregon.
th That the real object and wish of the Company is not to
have any grant of Land

either to themselves or to the Association, but
merely to have an Assurance that if
Vancouver's Island shall,
hereafter, be brought within, and under, any Colonial
Govmnt; and if
the Company or the Association shall then appear to possess the
requisite Legal competency to acquire and hold lands within the limits
of any such
Govmnt, then a Grant shall be made to them of the Lands
they have already occupied, and, further, that they shall not, in the
interval, be disturbed in the occupation of them.
8th To this is to be added that the Company have no Map or
other means of showing what the Lands which they have so occupied are,
nor what the exact extent of them may be, though it is not supposed to
exceed 1,000 acres.
th Sir John Pelly had no definite plan for Colonizing the
Country, but expressed his readiness to concur with any other persons
who might be interesting themselves on the subject in devising such a
From these Statements it may, I think, be concluded that the right
answer to the present application from the Company is that their first
step must be to specify, with greater distinctness, what is the
particular Territory to which their
refers, and to state whether they are of opinion that the Hudson's Bay Company are
legally capable of becoming owners of those or of any other Lands in H.M's Dominions
west of the
Rocky Mountains. This last enquiry will lead to
a statemn
t regarding the Association of which Body we have, as yet, no
knowledge, save only as far as it is derived from
Sir John Pelly's
Am I right in supposing that the Company's letter is with you?
Sep 24
Ld Grey
I join in
Mr Stephens Statement which exactly gives you an
account of all that passed at the Interview. Outside the
immediate subject of discussion one or two points arose which
are of sufficient general importance to be recorded.
2. That they grow & export corn

& wool & had supplied the American settlements in the Willamette & as I understand
had contemplated
supplying the French settlements in the Pacific. The Company at one Farm
had 10,000 Sheep & a large number of Cattle.
3. That the Cy had sent out Agl Implements ploughs &c and had advanced the Capital necessary for the Settlers & was
willing to advance more.
4 That the harbour of
Vancouvers Island was capacious — that
Coal had been found in
the Island — & that it presented many advantages
for a Naval Station. This he considered of great importance in the
event of the U. States acquiring the harbour of
San Francisco.