Mr Under Secretary Hawes, in the letter which, by your
Lordship's direction, he did me the honour to address to me on the
14th Ult,
stated that you were prepared to assent, on Her Majesty's behalf, to my
that certain lands in
Vancouver's Island, or in other parts of
Oregon Territory, should be granted to the Hudson's Bay Company; but
that before making that grant, you would require the production, by the
Company, of an Opinion from Her Majesty's Attorney and Solicitor General
to the effect

that the acceptance by the Company of such a grant would be consistent with their
Charter of Incorporation
On receiving this intimation I directed a Case to be drawn up for
the Opinion of the Attorney and Solicitor General which Case, with their
Opinion thereon, I have the honour to transmit to your Lordship
Your Lordship will perceive that the question raised in the Case is
confined to the single point on which you expressed a wish to receive
information, namely, whether the Hudson's Bay Company have power under
their Charter to hold lands, within Her Majesty's Dominions, westward of
Rocky Mountains.