1109. N. America
British Museum
June 2nd 1848.
Dear Sir,
Subsequently to the last conversation I had the honor of holding
Mr Hawes and yourself I was informed by
Sir J.H. Pelley that the
Govt had determined to give
the Island to the Hudsons Bay
Company. Understanding that the matter was settled, I gave up all
intention of taking any further part in this, because I did not believe
that the Hudsons Bay Com
y could, or would, effect the colonization of
the Country. In consequence, however, of what passed between a friend
of mine and
Sir J H Pelley, I waited upon that Gentleman. He then
offered to make us a grant of all the Coal Mines, upon terms which he
specified in detail, and promised at the same time to assist us in
procuring the Capital necessary to commence working the mines. I was
therefore induced by these liberal promises to take up the scheme again,
and I expected that we should be able to sail in the Course of the
Summer. Gentlemen having been sent over from
New York with the object
of entering into arrangements for procuring the supply of Coal for the
steamers about
to run on the N.W. Coast, it was essential that our
plans should be arranged as speedily as possible. But on waiting upon
Sir J H Pelley, in order to bring matters to a final settlement, He
informed me that
Sir George Simpson had been in communication with
Aspinwall, the owners of the Steamers destined to run on the NW. coast,
and had issued orders that the coal Mines in
Vancouver's Island should
be immediately occupied, with a view to supplying coal to the steamers.
Sir J H Pelley therefore declined to say any thing more, untill he had
communicated with
Sir G. Simpson, which could not be earlier than next
September. When I represented to
Sir J H Pelley that some
arrangements should be made at once, and that the opportunity for
securing a Sale for the coal would otherwise be lost; and that I had
been working for the proposed colony for some time, on the strength of
his promises,
Sir J H Pelley denied having made any promise or offer
Now I only trouble you with these facts, because I think it of
importance that
Earl Grey should be aware of what dependance is to be
placed on the promises of the
Govr of the HB
Coy and of the
consequence of the step about to be taken, of putting the HB
Coy in
possession of
Vancouver Island.
I beg you will believe that I have no interest in the affair,
farther than that which attaches to a Subject upon which I have bestowed
considerable time and Attention; and in proposing to undertake the
management of the coal speculation, I did so, only because it offered me
the means of carrying
into effect my scheme of founding a Successful
Colony. But I bring these facts under your notice, for the information
Earl Grey, because they are sufficient Evidence that
Sir J.H
Pelley's professions of liberality and disinterestedness in offering to
colonize the country, are utterly insincere: And I have been warned,
on all hands, that I should find this out at last. The Hudsons Bay
Coy want to get
the island into their own hands in order that they
prevent any Colony there, except of their own servants and
dependants. I am anxious that
Earl Grey should be informed, that there
no one who is acquainted with the System of the HB
Coy, who does not coincide in this opinion.
I cannot refrain from expressing an Earnest hope that
Earl Grey
will pause in taking any final step in this matter, untill he has
availed himself of the information to be derived from indifferent and
independant witnesses, for example, the officers of HMS's
America &c &c as well as from other persons who are intimately
acquainted, with the proceedings of the Comp
There is not a servant of the Coy who would not leave the
Service at the first opportunity; and there is not one of those who have
left, who does not loudly condemn the conduct and policy of the Coy.
The servants of the HBCo in the Oregon are a poor and ignorant
class, chiefly of the lowest order of the Scotch. They are not well
paid, and the Comy having the monopoly of all the supply of the
necessaries of life, they are bound in a state of practical slavery to their masters.
Now it will be perfectly manifest to
Earl Grey, that the HB
are unable to found an independant colony, because no independant man,
no gentleman, will ever settle under their sway. They will, if they get
the island, Extend their present system. They will get a large
settlement of labourers and workmen who will be little better than
slaves. All the Capital will be in their own hands. But surely that is
not the sort of Colony which His Lordship desires to be formed, as the
representative and model of British power in the Pacific Ocean.
There is another mode of ascertaining what the HB
Coy are likely
to do. What have they done in their vast possessions on the East Side
of the
Rocky Mountains? Have they produced one Single Contented thriving or prosperous Settlement, in any
part of their vast estates?
They have not.
Moreover is not Colonization opposed to the interests of the HBCo.
necessarily? Must it not interfere with their monopoly of the Fur
trade, and still more with their import trade of manufactured goods, on
which they make such vast profits?
Vancouvers Island gets into the Hands of that Company, His Lordship may be assured that no colony will
ever exist there.
In urging upon
Lord Grey the Strong reasons which present
themselves, for pausing before giving this Island to the HB
Coy, I
assume that His Lordship is well aware of its daily increasing
importance to Great Britain. Prospects of extensive steam communication
to all parts of the Pacific Ocean, are rapidly opening. A Project is
even now entertained of running steam ships from Calefornia to China,
and a route is proposed by which the
London mail from Canton may be
conveyed in 45 days.
Mr Enderby's plan for extending the whale
Fishery will bring a considerable number of ships into the northern
aeas, and that gentleman contemplates leaving a part of them to refit in
Vancouvers Island.
It does then seem to be running a great risk, to place the fortunes
of such an Enterprise in the hands of a Comy, notoriously close and narrow in their policy, exclusively commercial in their character
objects, and whose interests are, of necessity, diametrically opposed to
those of an independant Settlement.
Nor is it to be forgotten that the Charter of Trade which the
Coy possess will expire in 10. or 12. years; and, in the event of the
Govt then refusing to renew it, it is not easy to see what legitimate or beneficial position
Coy will occupy, as the proprietors of a
tract of land on the N.W. Coast. It would be even doubtful whether
they could continue, in such circumstances, to exist as a Company any
In offering these observations I am aware I have no claim
whatsoever upon his Lordships attention, further than that I have
bestowed considerable time and attention on the subject on which I
I have no rival Scheme to propose. I did indeed formerly bring
under your notice the advantages to be gained by forming a company
for the purpose of Colonizing the Country. But I know how difficult
it is, in the present state of money affairs in Europe to obtain
capital, or to form a company: and though I have my own opinion how the
object in view may be effected, I do not wish to trouble you with any
observations, further than what are warranted by the immediate object of
this letter, viz:, to do whatever I can, to prevent the Country, which
has been for so long a time a matter of so much interest to myself,
falling into such hands as would for ever annihilate its usefulness for
the purposes of Colonization.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale.
I am unable to say whether the statements advanced against the Hudson's
Bay Company in this Letter are true or not. The writer apparently
writes as if he was sure of his facts. I believe you have or had the
papers connected with the Colonization of
Van Couver's Island before you lately.
Mr Hawes
Mr Fitzgerald stated the same facts, as regards his communications
Sir J Pelly, to me the other day. Of course nothing can be said
by me on the alleged breach of faith, further than that
Mr Fitzgerald is one who is I am Sure persuaded of the truth of all he advances. As
to the subject itself; I have in pursuance of direction from
Lord Grey
told the Solicitor for the H.B.C. that
Ld Grey would require some
distinct condition to enforce colonization in the grant of
Island, and, also, some distinct statement, from the Company, of their
present intentions respecting it. This was only last week, & I have not
yet had any answer.
Mr F. for this communicat
n — It is obviously necessary
to be very strict in exact
g from the H.B.Co efficient securities for their proper use of any powers conferred
upon them.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Dundas, Lieutenant Adam D.
Enderby, Charles
FitzGerald, James Edward
Grey, Third Earl, Henry George
Hawes, Benjamin
Merivale, Herman
Pelly, Sir John Henry
Simpson, Sir George
Vessels in this document
HMS America, 1810-1867
HMS Cormorant, 1842-1853
HMS Modeste, 1837-1866
Places in this document
New York
Oregon Territory, or Columbia District
The Rocky Mountains
Vancouver Island