The Hudson's Bay Charter gives them the
land, exclusive trade, fishery, lands, &c in the territory East of the
Rocky Mountains called "
Land" together with the right to make laws & ordinances impose penalties &c.
By 1 & 2. G. 4. c. 66. The Crown was empowered to make
grants or give licenses for exclusive trade with the Indians in parts of
N. Am. not included in
Ruperts' Land.
Under this Act G. 4 granted a license to the Hudson's Bay Co.

jointly with certain members of what was then called the North West Co.
to trade in what is called the North West Territory (which
would include Vancouver's Island as a dependency)
1838 the H.B.C. acquired the rights of the North West Co. and the
Crown then granted them the H.B.C. similar license for 21 years from that time which will therefore expire in
gran license contains a proviso that nothing therein contained
should enure to prevent the establishment of colonies in this territory,
or constituting any

such form of government as might seem meet to the Crown. And it reserves power to
the Crown to revoke such license, so
far as the same may embrace any territory which may hereafter be
comprised within such colony.
Lord Ashburton's Treaty establishes the line of boundary so as to
[...] leave
Vancouver's Island within the British territories.
and provides "that in the future
With regard to the legal jurisdiction over this North Western
region: it is provided for by the Act

1 & 2 G. 4. c. 66. already cited: which subjects all the North Western & other Indian
territory to the
judicature of the Courts of Upper Canada, & empowers the Crown to issue
commissions under the Great Seal empowering justices to hold courts of
record for the trial of criminal & civil cases, &c, only not so as to
affect any privilege belonging to the H.B.C. under their Charter.

H.B.Co. have erected various forts & establishments, and brought into
cultivation some tracts in this N. Western territory: and amongst
others a fort & land on the south point of
Vancouver's Island.
Under these circumstances they
obtained an opinion
from the Law Advisers which was to the effect that they could legally take part of any land Westward of
Rocky Mountains.
They then applied for a Grant of land of the whole territory
Westward of the
Rocky Mountains.

This was declined, but a Grant of the
land of
Vancouver's Island has been offered to them, subject to the conditions, 1. that
the settlement shall cost nothing to this Country in [...] they shall establish there a settlement of British
emigrants, the grant to be void
unless if 5 years' hence it is certified that
they have not done so by any person employed by the Crown to inquire; 2.
that such settlement shall cost nothing to this country. Also, that
when the license expires in
1859 the Crown may revoke the grant, subject
to the obligation to repay the Co. any expenditure in colonization.
It is not proposed to give them any jurisdiction or legislative
[...]: But it is proposed to give a Commission to a Governor (who will
be nominated by the Company
sancd by the Crown that is the Crown can exercise a veto?
) with a Charter empowering the government of the island by means of an Assembly of
the inhabitants.
It is apprehended that the Crown has undoubtedly this power. It is
the manner in which the Constitution
of Newfoundland was created in
The effect will be that the land will be vested in the HBCo. under

this grant. 2. The exclusive trade until
1859 under their licence. 3.
The criminal & civil jurisdiction can be given by Commission from the
Crown under 1 & 2 G 4 C 66. 4. The legislative authority & right to
raise the revenue not derived from land will be in the inhabitants.
The same thing or nearly so it will be shewed has been done in
the Southern part of New Zealand, where the Crown land and Crown right
of preemption from natives are vested until
1852 in the

New Zealand
Company, while the right of Government & of raising revenue is in the
Legislative Council, which will be popular unless the Governor exercises
his lately granted suspending power.
You will observe that if
Vancouver's Island had been made over to any other body of adventurers, it would have been necessary
to put in
execution the power reserved to the Crown of revoking the Company's
license for exclusive trade so far as
that Island was concerned. But
this could not have been done without compensating the Company, if not
for the loss of the trade, at all events for the establishments which it
had made at the Southern end of
the island, with a view to the protection & extension of that trade.
It is hardly necessary to add how great an advantage the Company
must have over independent colonists, in the first place from the
powerful establishments which they already possess in the North Western
territory, in the next place because, possessing the exclusive trade of
the main land adjacent of which they could not be deprived, no one could
turn the land of
the Island to so much account as they.
With regard to the reasons which have prevailed to induce the
cession of this land to the Company notwithstanding the charges which
are pending against them for maladministration in the other parts of
their territories, you will of course ascertain these from other
quarters especially as the negociation was begun before I came into the
office. But the following suggest themselves to me.
These charges are twofold: they relate to the conduct of the
in their only agricultural settlement of any consequence, that
Red River: and, secondly, to various points in

the general treatment
of the Indians throughout their extensive territories by their agents.
With regard to
Red River, I cannot see if the charges of misgovernment were substantiated, that they would
seriously affect the question,
whether the Company was fit to be trusted with the land (not the
government) of
Vancouver's Island. If there be mismanagement at
River, it is only to be traced in the details of the government of a
colony more than 1000 miles from
Vancouver's Island & the adjacent coast, which must depend much more on the local

authorities than on any central supervision of the trading Company in
London. The two subjects have really no connexion. But the report of
Col. Crofton is quite sufficient to shew that the charges, whatever they are, are mixed up
with much exaggeration, although enough of truth may remain to render it
advisable that some enquiry should take place, & it is at all events
desirable that the situation & wants of such remote subjects of Her
Majesty should be known.
Vancouver's Island will lie in the track of many vessels & become (as we hope) soon the seat of a considerable
maritime business. Nothing
can possibly be more different than its prospects from those of the
remote half Indian settlements in the centre of North America.
2. As to the
general charges against the Company: they are really
too general to merit much attention with reference to a case like this.
It is of course undeniable that a mere trading Company will always

have a certain tendency towards monopoly and exclusiveness: But in
situations where colonization is the true & obvious policy, it will
probably soon learn to pursue that policy.