5120 Vancouvers Island

Hudsons Bay House
June 12th 1851
My Lord,
I have received Mr Under Secretary Hawes's letter of the 15th Ulto transmitting for the information of the Hudsons Bay Company the Copy of a Dispatch from the Governor of Vancouver's Island, dated Feby 3rd 1851, and requesting that I will furnish your Lordship with the Report referred to by Governor Blanshard,
3 Encs returned to Hudson's Bay Company in a note from Mr Elliot requesting the Seal of the Company may be affixed to it. 11 Sept/51
Copy of Report [...] in No 2 of 19 Sept/51
which by the terms of the Royal Charter the Company are required to make once in every two years at least.
In compliance with your Lordship's request I beg to hand you the accompanying Report.
I have the honour to be
My Lord
Your Lordship's most obedt
humble Servant
JH Pelly
The Rt Honble
The Earl Grey
&c &c &c
Minutes by CO staff
Manuscript image
Mr Merivale
Copy of the enclosure 5121 to the Governor of VanCouver's Island for information.
ABd 13/6.
This is not a "certificate under hand & seal" which the Co. are required by their Cha grant to give, nor does it in point of form very well fulfil the requisites of the grant, though substantially it may. I think Sir J. Pelly when next he calls here had better be spoken to on this subject?
HM June 16.
J 17 BH
G. 18
Manuscript image
I have written privately to Sir J. Pelly. Put by at present.
HM S. 6.
Documents enclosed with the main document (transcribed)
Manuscript image
Copy of Report [...] in No 2 of 19 Sept/51
Hudson's Bay House
June 12th 1851

My Lord,
I have the honour to report to your Lordship that the Hudsons Bay Company have made the following Sales of land in Vancouver's Island at the price of One Pound per Acre vizt

One hundred Acres to H.G. Grant.

Three hundred & Twenty doJames Douglas

One hundred      doJohn Tod

Three hundred      doJ.M. Yale

Two hundred      doJames Cooper

One hundred      doRodk Finlayson

Seventy      doJames Nesbit

Twenty      doElisha Chancellor

Two hundred      doW. McNeill
Lands have been reserved for the Fur Trade Branch of the Hudsons Bay Company near Fort Victoria, and for the Puget's Sound AgriculturalManuscript imageAgricultural Company at Esquimalt Harbour, but as these lands have not yet been surveyed the number of Acres which they contain cannot be stated. Surveyors have been sent out who will ascertain the exact quantities of these Reserves and in order to obviate any inconvenience that might in the meantime arise from the want of funds for Colonial purposes the Company's Agent was directed about six months ago to pay over to the Governor of the Colony from time to time as it may be required, the sum of Four Thousand Pounds.
I beg to add that the Puget Sound Agricultural Company sent out two Bailiffs and seventy four labourers in November last and twenty labourers last month for the purpose of cultivating their land
I have the honour to be
My Lord
Your Lordships most obt humble Servant
JH Pelly
2The Rt Honble
The Earl Grey
&c &c &c
Other documents included in the file
Manuscript image
Pelly to Merivale, 8 September 1851, acknowledging Merivale's "Note of Saturday" and stating that if he "will send the report you allude to to the Hudson's Bay House betwixt 2 & 3 oclock on Wednesday I shall have the Seal affixed & returned."
Minutes by CO staff
Manuscript image
Mr Jadis.
Perhaps you may know what this alludes to?
T.F.E. 9 Sep.
Mr Elliot.
We have no record of Mr Merivale's Note to which this is an answer, but I presume that the enclosed Report is the one referred to by Sir J.Pelly.
9 Sep VJ
  1. Please note that the following enclosure also appears transcribed in this record.
  2. This addressee information appears at the foot of the first page of the despatch.
  3. The following marginalia is thought to be a minute entry by Jadis. This text runs perpendicular to main body text; see image scan.
People in this document

Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone

Blanshard, Governor Richard

Chancellor, Elisha

Cooper, James

Douglas, Sir James

Elliot, Thomas Frederick

Finlayson, Roderick

Grant, H. G.

Grey, Right Honorable, Second Baronet, Sir George

Grey, Third Earl, Henry George

Hawes, Benjamin

Jadis, Vane

McNeill, Captain William Henry

Merivale, Herman

Nesbit, James

Pelly, Sir John Henry

Tod, John

Yale, James Murray

Places in this document


Vancouver Island


Pelly, Sir John Henry to Grey, Right Honorable, Second Baronet, Sir George 12 June 1851, CO 305:3, no. 5120, 373. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria. https://bcgenesis.uvic.ca/V515HB07.html.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)