[No. 6]
2nd August 1852
Extract paragraphs
also Extract part of paragraph
No 7
To the Right
Honble Sir John S. Pakington
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department
I had the honor on the
26th Ultmo of receiving your
Extract to F.O. 29th Oct/52
No — to Admty " — "—"—
numbered 1 and 2 of the
11th and
18th March
and with the former a Warrant under the Royal Sign Manual, appointing
Mr Roderick Finlayson to be a member of Council of
Vancouver's Island. I have duly signified Her Majestys Will and pleasure to that
gentleman, and shall forthwith swear, and admit him as a Member of
The instructions
contained in your letter of the
18th March
in reference to the admissibility of Indiantestimony in the Law Courts
of this Colony, shall be communicated for the guidance of the
Magistrates and Officers, who may be entrusted with the
of the Laws.
I observe with
much satisfaction that you have directed the
attention of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to the subject of
stationing a vessel of war off
Queen Charlotte's Island for the support
of national rights, and the protection of Her Majesty's subjects trading
to that quarter.
We have received no intelligence from
Queen Charlottes Island since the arrival of Her Majesty's Ship "
Thetis" in the early part of last month. The Americans had all left, before the departure
of the
Thetis" from
Gold Harbour, and I have no doubt the report of her
proceedings on the coast, will deter many persons from going there, who
would otherwise have been induced, by its reputed wealth, to visit
The danger is not however completely removed, as rumours are still
abroad of parties forming in California and Oregon for the avowed
purpose of working the Gold Mines, and any prospect of success will set
them all in motion.
The reports received from the Hudsons Bay Company's parties
employed on
Queen Charlottes Island, are not so favourable as
anticipated, and it has now become a question, if surface gold, as found
in California, exists in large quantities on any part of
the Island. On
the other hand all the accounts agree in representing the great value of
the auriferous quartz from which it is expected that a rich harvest of
the precious metals will be obtained.
The presence of a Vessel of War, permanently
stationed on this
coast will I am convinced have the happiest effect in promoting general
trade, as well as the special interests of this
Colony, and I am in
hopes, that Her Majesty's Government will take a favourable view of that
measure. In that event I will submit for your consideration that a War
Steamer of small force would be the most useful and effective Vessel
that could be employed on this coast, as besides the celerity and
certainty of her movements she could with less risk and far more ease
than a sailing vessel, visit the numerous Bays and Inlets where
prohibited vessels may be concealed.
The Colony of
Vancouver's Island is, from present
circumstances, in a most
unfortunate position for Trade; at the distance
of more than 4000 miles
from the nearest British posession and separated
from the Mother Country by half the circumference of the Globe, it has
no available outlet for its productions,
consisting of Salt-fish, Deals,
Limestone and Spars for Masts, which with the exception of the last will
do little more than defray the expensive transport to Great Britain.
Added to that
disadvantage the Colony has to sustain a competition with
the American settlements in
Oregon, whose staple exports are similar to
those of
Vancouvers Island, and
This is one of the points to be discussed in the approaching
negotiation with the U. States. Send this passage to the F.O.
are admitted into the American Ports in
California free of duty, while heavy protective duties ranging from 20
to 30 per cent, are charged
upon the staple exports of this country.
Enterprise therefore languishes and unless some steps are taken to
mitigate as far as possible, those disadvantages, the Colony will never
prosper, and the labouring classes will seek employment in the
neighbouring settlements of
Oregon. Much I conceive may be effected in
that way by encouraging the export of spars for the supply of the Royal
Navy, which
this Island produces in great abundance, and of the very
best quality. I herewith enclose a document containing a description of
a lot of spars prepared for shipment by
Mr Brotchie a British
subject; who has been nearly two years a resident on
this Island, and
who after devoting his whole time and spending all his means in the
prosecution of that enterprise can find no sale for his property, which
is therefore in danger of being destroyed by fire and other accidents.
I beg to recommend the case of
Mr Brotchie to your
consideration, as I have no doubt the Lords
‸Commissioners of the
Admiralty would find it of advantage to order a contract to be made with
him for any number of Spars, required for the public service, this
besides rescuing a worthy and enterprising man from ruin, would give an
impulse to industry and be the means of calling into exercise a branch
of trade which may lead
to very important results, as concerns
future interests of the Colony.
I have nothing further of any importance relative to the Colony
to communicate. Petty offenses have on several occasions been committed
by the natives, which have been fairly dealt with, but we have had no
serious difficulty with any of the Native Tribes, who, generally
speaking, live on friendly terms with the white settlers.
Since my last
cummunication several dwelling houses have been
erected at
Victoria, and the Puget Sound Company have commenced two
large farms in the same district; otherwise there has been little
progress made in the settlements.
The harvest began about a week ago, and it is the general
opinion that the wheat and pea crops will afford a good yield, but the
oats are considered short and defecient in straw, owing to the extreme
dryness of the summer, there having been no rain, with the exception of
three light showers since the
10th of May last.
I have the honor to be
Your obt hum
ble Serv
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Submit this to
Mr Merivale on his return to Town. In the meanwhile,
send, I think Paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to the Admiralty, and
recommend, if that be
Sir J. Pakington's view, the employment of a Steam
‸instead of a Sailing Vessel for the protection of British interests off
VanCouver's and
Queen Charlotte Island. There is Coal on the spot, and
with such active competition as the Americans at
Oregon it seems to me
that any assistance we can give in the development of the resources of a
British Possession, and one so situated as this is ought to be
afforded. It having been decided that a vessel of war is always to be
stationed there it is surely best to have one of the most useful sort.
A considerable portion of Par: 7 should, I think, be communicated
to the F.O. with reference to their late enquiry as to the subjects
which it will be necessary for the British Negotiator to discuss with
the American Envoy.
Other documents included in the file
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to
Addington, Foreign Office,
October 1852, forwarding extract of the despatch.
Draft, Colonial Office to
Hamilton, Admiralty,
30 October
1852, forwarding extracts of the despatch and recommending the
choice of a steamer as requested by
People in this document
Addington, Henry Unwin
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Brotchie, William
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Finlayson, Roderick
Hamilton, William Alexander Baille
Merivale, Herman
Pakington, Captain John Somerset
Vessels in this document
HMS Thetis, 1846-55
Places in this document
Beaver Harbour
Gold Harbour
Haida Gwaii
Oregon Territory, or Columbia District
Vancouver Island