Colonial Land and Emigration Office
4th July 1853
We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the
15th instant
enclosing a correspondence with
Mr Richard Taylor relative to a
Mining Lease of a portion of
Queen Charlotte's Island, and directing us
to prepare
the Draft of a Lease for the consideration of Her Majesty's
Government. You at the same time direct us to consider whether in
granting any such Lease to a new Association the rights or privileges of
the Hudson's Bay Company will in any respect be interfered with.
2. We have to report for the
Duke of Newcastle's information that
before proceeding with the Lease we have placed ourselves in
communication with the Hudson's Bay Company to ascertain, in obedience
to His Grace's instructions, how far the proposed grant would interfere
with their rights or privileges. We also communicated to the Governor
of the Company the letters noted in the margin
and have now to submit his answer for His Grace's consideration
and instructions.
3. It will be seen that
Mr Colville [Colvile] objects to the
proposed Lease on several grounds. He states 1
st that the Company,
and not Mess
rs Gray &
Easterby, were the Discoverers of the supposed
vein and that the names "
Mitchell's Harbour" and "
Una Point," referred
to as its site, are in fact the names of the
Company's Vessel and her
Commander, sent at their expense in 1851 to explore
the Island—6 months
before the voyage of Mess
rs Gray &c. 2
dy that the inhabitants of
these Islands are savage and dangerous—that the Company's exploring
party in 1851 was driven off by them; the Natives rushing in to scramble
for the Gold after every blast—and that a force of at least 80 men
would be required as a protecting party before any works could be
carried on. 3
dly that it would be impossible to carry on Gold Digging
without also trading with the Natives, that the proposed Lessees, if
they failed in getting Gold, would
trade in furs, and thus the Company's
exclusive License of Trade would be infringed.
Mr Gray's Company might be restricted from trading

by the terms
of the Lease.
thly that the connection of the promoters of the scheme with
America, (Mess
rs Easterby,
Gray and
Rooney being, if not Americans at
any rate settled at S
n Francisco) might possibly lead to a very
inconvenient collision of interests between the subjects of the two
Countries. And lastly
Mr Colvile states that it is the intention of
the Company to establish a trading Port on
Queen Charlotte's Island as
soon as they can do so with a sufficient force and thoroughly
to explore
the Island with a view to ascertain whether the Minerals can be
profitably worked, in which case they will submit the result to Her
Majesty's Government with a proposal to work the Mines.
4. Under these circumstances we have thought it right at once to
submit for His Grace's decision the question whether the proposed Lease
should be proceeded with. We do not understand that the Land which it
is proposed to include in the Lease is claimed by the Hudson's Bay
to be held under their Royal Charter, nor do we find in the
Statute 1 & 2 Geo: 4. c: 66, regulating the Trade with North American
Indians, any provision which could preclude Her Majesty from granting to
another Association either the privilege of trading with the Indians of
Queen Charlotte's Island, or of working any minerals which may be
discovered there, altho' without a special License any such Trading
would we think be illegal. It would follow that so far as the rights
and privileges of the Hudson's Bay
Company are concerned there is no
legal obstacle to the grant of the proposed Lease.
5. But if it is not travelling beyond our province we would
venture to submit whether, looking to the character of the Natives who
Queen Charlotte's Island, as proved by their seizure of the
present applicants Vessel, as well as by their conduct to the Hudson's
Bay Company's people, it would be expedient to grant a Lease in that
Island to any but persons whose position and responsibility would afford
a guarantee as to their proceedings.
It is, we think, impossible to
read the reports of the Hudson's Bay C
o's Officers, written it must
be observed without reference to the question now under consideration,
without feeling that it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible,
to carry on the search for Gold in
Queen Charlotte's Island without a
collision with the Natives. And it is obvious that under such
circumstances unless the matter is managed with firmness and discretion
the consequences may be very lamentable. But independently of these
if the Hudson's Bay Company really were as they allege,
the first discoverers of these Mines and not the Gentlemen represented
Mr Taylor, as His Grace was led to suppose. The
Duke of Newcastle
may be of opinion that the Company are entitled to an opportunity of
obtaining the advantage of their discovery, and if they are prepared to
work the Minerals their position and connexion would certainly appear to
afford better prospects of success than could be expected of a new
Association. If we might be permitted to
express an opinion on the
subject we would submit, that with the present limited, but unfavorable,
information respecting the Natives of
Queen's Charlotte's Island, it
would be hazardous to grant a Mining Lease there to private
adventurers—that it would be more advantageous if the Hudson's Bay
Company would undertake the working of the Mines—that whether they do
so or not enquiries should at once be set on foot to ascertain as far as
possible the correctness of the reports respecting the Natives,
their numbers and habits,
and that if this further information should
show that they may be reasonably managed, and the Hudson's Bay Company
should not work the Mines,
Within a reasonable time.
or should do so in an inefficient manner, the applications of private
Companies for Leases should be entertained.
6. With respect to the source from which further information may
be obtained respecting the Natives it appears to us probable that
application might be successfully made to some of the Religious
Societies whose Missionaries have devoted
themselves especially to the
education of the North American Indians.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
These reports of the natives of
Queen Charlotte Island confirm the
general accounts we have already received as to their being a savage
race of people and would justify the
Govt in opposing, on the score
of humanity, settlements being formed upon it or the search for gold
unless conducted by an imposing force, able to control & awe the
natives. But the existence of gold in that quarter being an ascertained
fact it will be a difficult matter for the
Govt to prevent
enterprizing people from resorting for it, and if the Lease be denied
rs Gray &
Esterby [Easterby] we shall shortly have applications
from other persons for the same thing, and perhaps "squatting" in the
Country to a large extent—which we have no means of preventing. It
will be therefore necessary for the
Govt to decide at once whether to
encourage the Hudson's Bay Company in their contemplated explorations, &
the establishment of a fur trading post in this particular
locality—with a view to discovering whether the mines can be
advantageously work'd, or to give the preference to the Association
proposed to be established by Mess
rs Gray &
Esterby. If the Hudson's
Bay C
o prevail I would suggest that some limit in point of time be
required for their decision, for they are so

dilatory in their movements
that if permission is accorded them to explore &c they will use it as a
means of exclusion of other parties from the ground, & do nothing
themselves. I believe that one of the projectors of this scheme, if not
both of them has returned to California, but as the Mess
rs Taylor are
London, it occurs to me that it would be a fair & proper mode of
proceeding with the competing applicants (for I suppose the H.B.
Company must now be regarded in that light), if the Mess
rs Taylor
were apprized of the serious difficulties they would encounter from the
hostility of the natives, and that they should be asked whether, with
the knowledge of that

fact they are prepared to despatch such a force as
shall effectually repress the attacks of the natives, & prevent the loss
of life on both sides which, as of old, it seems only too likely that
this search for gold will occasion. If Mess
rs Taylor, & his
Companions have not the means or disposition to undertake the enterprize
on a scale that is suitable in all respects, & decline, on this inf
about the Natives to go on with it, which I think is not improbable, the
Govt will necessarily fall back, at all events for the
present, on
the Hudson's Bay C
Do you think we are at liberty to include the information now sent
by the H.B.C
o as to the searching for gold in
Q. Charlotte Island in
the Parliamentary Paper on the point of being delivered? It is not too
late to include it if it is thought that we may do so.
Mr Blackwood
Papers are clearly not all here. Where is
Mr Taylor's answer to ours
28th May? And the letter
to Land B&Sr'd enclosing the papers?
Mr Peel
These papers are now in a state for consideration & decision, & involve
some important questions.
1. I think it is quite plain that
Mr Taylor's

associates have
no ground to ask for this lease on the score of merit as discoverers.
The vein of auriferous quartz discovered by the H.B.Co's vessel on the
6th Augt 1851, was in all reasonable probability the same with
that alleged to have been discovered by
Mr Rooney on
23 April 1852
(it is rather remarkable by the way that in none of the letters so far
as I have observed is the name of the vessel stated; which might
identify the voyage.)
2. I think this establishment would be virtually an American one,
& that no sufficient reason exists for giving an American party
exclusive rights in
Q Charlotte's island, however ready we may be to
assist them in concurrence with others.
3. The Governor has also taken the matter into his own hand by
granting licenses. These of course would be overridden by any
subsequent lease from the Crown, but the parties holding them (if there
be any such) would hardly submit to exclusion contentedly.
For The[se] reasons (besides the hostility & power which are
alleged as to the savages)

I doubt whether any encouragement should be
given to
Mr Taylor's proposal.
Mr Colvile's letter of
27 June however requires a little
I think the Hudson's Bay Co. go a little far in pressing their
alleged claims over
Q. Charlotte's island.
These claims amount at most only to this—the exclusive rights of
trafficking with the Indians for 6 years longer (until 1859 when their
present license expires).
And I think it is very doubtful—though the words of the license
are too loose to enable me to speak with certainty—whether the Crown
could not at once put an end to that license by declaring
Q. Ch. Island
a "province" or colony.
And there can be no doubt the license was really sought, &
obtained, with a view to the fur trade of the interior, & not to check
maritime enterprise & commerce on the N.W. coast.
For the Company therefore to oppose

digging for gold on the island,
because the diggers would probably trade also with the Indians &
interfere with their license, appears to me a very impolitic endeavor to
extend their monopoly.
If my view is adopted, it may be enough at present to inform
Taylor that on full consideration HM's
Govt do not intend to grant
the lease, being not satisfied either of the expediency of granting a
lease of mining land in
Q. Charlottes' Island in the present uncertainty
which exists as to the character & habits of the savage population, &
while the opposite system of granting licenses, according to the
Australian practice, has been resorted to by the Governor: or of any
claim founded on discovery, it appearing probable that the discovery had
been previously made by others. And send copy of the letter to the L. &
Em. Board?
I agree, being confirmed in my original doubt of the expediency of
any lease at present.
Mr Merivale
Will you excuse me for drawing your attention to the enquiry contained
in my minute on 6879 of the
7 July, which appears to have escaped
The Papers respecting the discovery of gold in
Queen Charlotte
Island which have been moved for in the Ho. of Commons have been

I believe, but some further papers are going to be presented,
amongst which the H.B.C
y's memorandum may appear.
The recent letter to
Mr Taylor should also, I think, be given,
as it will let people know that the Government refuses to grant leases
of land for gold hunting in
Q.C. Island.
I think these papers would be very usefully added to the Australian
gold papers.
I am not quite sure that they have been yet Delivered: and if not,
Mr Blackwood might direct the additional

Papers to which he refers to
be included in the Collection. If otherwise, these can be added to the
next Australian Gold Papers.
I think there is an awkwardness in adding them to the
Australian Gold Papers, but if the
Q.C.I. papers have not been
(In course of Delivery—the Papers have therefore, in accordance
with the practice generally followed, been included in a set of
"further Papers" in Return to Original address).
(tho' they have been
Mr Blackwood can procure the
addition of the present papers.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
A. Colvile, Governor, Hudson's Bay Company, to
S. Walcott,
Secretary to the Colonial Land & Emigration Commissioners,
27 June 1853,
enclosing the Memorandum below, and submitting reasons why a lease of
land in the
Queen Charlotte Islands should not be granted to the parties
in question.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Colvile, Andrew Wedderburn
De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas
Douglas, Sir James
Easterby, Captain Anthony Y.
Gray, Francis
Kennedy, John Frederick
McNeill, Captain William Henry
Merivale, Herman
Miller, Joseph Thomas
Murdoch, Thomas William Clinton
Peel, Sir Frederick
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Rooney, Captain Matthew
Taylor, Richard
Walcott, Stephen
Wood, C. Alexander
Work, John
Vessels in this document
SS Una, 1849-1851
Places in this document
Haida Gwaii
Mitchell Inlet
Una Point