Correspondence (private letter).
Minutes (3), Other documents (1).
Gray writes to
Newcastle to convey that
Gray had received a letter from his brother,
Francis Gray, that states that he and his partners,
Easterby and
Rooney, had discovered coal on “
Queen Charlotte's Island.”
Gray adds that he will forward more detailed information as it arrives, and that he hopes
his statement will secure his brother “any benefit that may accrue from this discovery.”
In the minutes,
Blackwood asks to acknowledge
Gray’s letter, and to add that the government is in no way obligated to pledge an advantage
Francis Gray and his associates simply because his brother addressed
Included in the file is a draft letter, from to the Colonial Office to
Gray, that advises that the government “declines to enter into any obligation” to
Francis Gray and his partners for their “alleged” coal discovery.