No. 28
17th May 1854
My Lord Duke
In my Despatch No 5 of the
27th February last,
I informed your Grace that a claim had been vaguely made to the
in the Canal De Arro, by the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, when
dividing that Territory into Districts, and that
Mr Ebey, who now
holds the office of Collector in
Puget Sound pretended on the strength
of that Act to consider the
Arro Archipelago as part of his Revenue
District, and had, according to report, expressed an intention to seize
upon all the British Property on the
Island of San Juan on behalf of the
States; and I also informed your Grace, at the same time that I
had taken measures to protect the property of Her Majesty's Subjects
from aggression, and explained the nature of those precautionary
steps, which have I trust, met with your Grace's approval.
The public excitement caused by the discussion of that question, on
both sides of the line was increased by the arrival of Collector
himself on the debateable ground, as announced to me on the morning of
4th Inst, in a hasty note No 1 from
Justice Griffen
[Griffin]. A few hours afterwards I repaired to the
Island of San Juan,
with the Steam vessel "
Otter" to watch proceedings, but on discovering
that Collector
Ebey, was only accompanied by four assistants, I thought
it better to retire from the spot, after landing
Mr James Sangster,
Her Majesty's Collector for
Vancouver's Island, with instructions to
acquaint Collector
Ebey, that the Revenue District of
Vancouver's Island, which was placed under his superintendence included
Smith's or
Bonilla Island, in the
Straits of De Fuca; the
Islands of San Juan,
Lopez, and
Orcas; the west side of
Cypress Island, and
all the other Islands, in the
Archipelago De Arro, west of a line drawn through the
middle of the
Gulf of Georgia &
Vancouver's Strait.
The subsequent proceedings of Collector
Ebey are detailed in the
reports of
Justice Griffin No 2, and Collector
Sangster No 3, which are
herewith transmitted for your Grace's information. On his departure
San Juan, Collector
Ebey, left a
Mr Webber on that Island whom
he appointed Inspector for the United States. Your Grace will observe
by those reports that an attempt made to arrest that person, without
sufficient grounds, had nearly ended in bloodshed.
Mr Webber left the Island on the following day, and again made his appearance there on
11th Inst, when I sent a further letter of instructions to
Mr Justice Griffin No 4, in reply to a note from him No 5, touching
his conduct to
Mr Webber, whom I directed him to consider as a mere
private person, living under the protection of Her Majesty's Government
and amenable to the Laws of the Country, which afford him protection. I
hope your Grace may approve of that course, and send me such
instructions for my guidance, as you may consider necessary.
This movement on the part of Collector
Ebey, is not openly
supported by the Executive Authorities of
Washington Territory, though
there is reason to believe that he is secretly countenanced by them, as
he certainly is by the whole American population.
In that case
Webber would have received a free grant of 640 acres of land from the United States, a principle
of liberality which I beg to suggest to your Grace, prodigiously strengthens American
influence in this part of the world, and contrasts advantageously with the system
of colonization followed on
Vancouver's Island, which may suit the condition of other colonies but will, I fear, never succeed in
the vicinity of American Settlements, where free grants of land are made to every
I have the honor to be
Your Grace's most obedient humble Servant
James Douglas
His Grace The Right
Honble The Duke of Newcastle
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
From these documents you will learn that the intention of the
Govt to
propose to the U. States
Govt that measures should be taken for defining the boundary between the British & American
Territories has not been formed too soon or without ample reason. This
desph shd I apprehend be communicated to the F.O.
Mr Peel
The last remark is also important. If it is really hoped that this
island & this neighborhood should be settled, the "Wakefield" plan will
hardly stand competition with the neighboring American free grants. The
H B C. are only bound by their grant to sell at a "reasonable
price"—the actual price of 1 an acre is only fixed by themselves,
though in full accordance with the understood views, at the time, of

This despatch, I am informed at the F.O., has been referred to
Mr Crampton, from whom no ans
r has been
recd at this date.
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to
E. Hammond, Foreign Office,
4 August
1854, forwarding copies of the despatch and enclosures.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Griffin to
Douglas, dated "Wednesday 8 p.m.," asking if he
should arrest
Weber at all hazzards.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Crampton, John Fiennes Twisleton
Douglas, Sir James
Ebey, Colonel Isaac Neff
Grey, Right Honorable, Second Baronet, Sir George
Griffin, Charles John
Hammond, Edmund
Merivale, Herman
Peel, Sir Frederick
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Sangster, James
Stevens, Isaac Ingalls
Webber, Henry
Vessels in this document
Otter, 1852-1861
Places in this document
Cypress Island
Juan de Fuca Strait
Lopez Island
Orcas Island
Puget Sound
Rosario Strait
San Juan Island
San Juan Islands
Smith Island
Strait of Georgia
Vancouver Island
Washington Territory