Mundy to Merivale (Permanent Under-Secretary)
War Department
28 November 1854
I have received and laid before
the Duke of Newcastle your
letter of the
17th instant, with its accompanying extract of a
Despatch from the Governor of
Van Couver's Island, from which it
appears that, without waiting for an answer to the Despatch
under date
16th May, which he has already addressed to the Secretary of State on the subject of the Defences
of the Colony,
he has taken upon himself to charter a Vessel belonging to the
Hudson's Bay Company, to serve as a Guard Ship, at a cost of £600 a
month, which, he presumes, will be defrayed by Her Majesty's Government.
In reply thereto, I am directed to request that you will
intimate to
Secretary Sir George Grey, that, unless
he should
have been supplied by
Governor Douglas or from any other quarter
with information of a much more reliable nature than any which
has hitherto reached
the Duke of Newcastle, as to the danger to
which the Colony is exposed from Privateers or otherwise, His
Grace is of opinion, adverting to the correspondence which has
already passed on the subject, that the proceeding thus adopted
Governor Douglas should be disapproved, and that he should be
that Her Majesty's
Govt cannot sanction, or hold
itself in any way responsible for the outlay incurred on this
account as a charge against the Imperial Treasury.
The correspondence referred to is to the following effect.
In a Despatch, dated
16th May last,
Governor Douglas requested
to be furnished, from Her Majesty's Stores, with arms,
accoutrements, ammunition and 12 Months provisions, for the
service of a Military Force of 500 men, to be raised in the
Colony; also with several pieces of light and
heavy Ordnance for
defensive Batteries, intimating, at the same time a desire to be
supplied with immediate instructions in respect to the payment
of any expenses necessarily incurred in providing for the
defences of the Colony, and to be informed to what amount, and
on whom he might draw for the same.
In answer to this Despatch (which was received on the
July) he was informed, on the
5th August, that Her Majesty's
deemed it to be at once both unnecessary and
unadvisable to accede to the above requisition; that the Lords
of the Admiralty had already given such directions to the
Admiral on the Station as would ensure
the Island being
frequently visited by one or more of the Ships of War under his
command; and that Her Majesty's Government considered there was
nothing in the circumstances of the War with Russia to forbid
the hope and
expectation that the countenance and support which
would be thus afforded, would amply suffice for the protection
the Island.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
Governor Douglas to the despatch Marked Military of the
5th Augt of which we were not aware in this Dept. when the
reference to the War Dept was made?
But why were we not aware of it? This is another instance of the

caused by the registering of our colonial despatches as
Military, and thereupon at once assuming that we have no concern with
such despatches.
I think all despatches from Governors intended to be dealt with
by the War
Dt should first be circulated through our office.
I except of course such (if there are any) as have immediate reference
to the war with Russia, and demand
immediate attention
I do not find with these Papers the despatch, which is commented
upon in their Letter. But something more is necessary than a
mere reference of the
Govr in answer to
the Duke of Newcastle's
despatch of
5 Aug. His proceedings must be disapproved, and he
must be directed to pay all expenses incurred in the best way he
can without expecting any assistance from Imperial funds.
I quite agree with
Mr Peel that some different arrangements
shd be made by which all Despatches addressed to & received by
this Department Should be read & disposed of in the Department.
Where they relate to matters purely military they
shd be
officially transmitted to the War Department, exactly as
Despatches relating exclusively to our Foreign relations

communicated to the Foreign Office to be there dealt with by
directions from the
Secy of State for Foreign Affairs. The War
Department on the other hand should give us information of what
is done upon despatches so transmitted to it from this
Department, where they

concern any Colonial interest.
Mr Peel
I have already made you acquainted with the course of business
of which I should recommend the addition, at least on trial,
between this department and
the Duke of Newcastle.
I pass this accordingly: when returned, the particular
directions of the minute on 10301 will be followed.
Other documents included in the file